Looking for support!

Hey guys :)
I just got REALLY serious and I'm down to 1,200cals a day! I just have a few more pounds I'd like to lose & am looking to eat very healthy and go to the gym on a regular basis to tone up. I would love a bit of a push and inspiration. Please add me and we will help each other :D My diary is public, so if anyone wants to see what I'm eating on my cal budget, feel free! Thank you so much :D


  • DeliriousOwl
    Hey :) I just joined and am on 1200/day as well! although I'm going to strive for the least cals possible. I used to be really weight conscious in my mid-adolescence but let it go a bit the past few years. I really want to get my body back how I like it now!! would love some support to keep me inspired and on track :)