
Hey, so I'm not new on here but have been 'in hiding' and also stopped using mfp for a while because I moved house.

I figured it's time to find people that I could add as friends, so I can get encouragement from their results.
I have don't have a healthy relationship with food, but I am trying. (I'm using mfp to see what I'm doing/ should be doing so I can improve my eating habits, not necessarily to lose weight)
If you want to be friends please add regardless of age or size ect seeing other people achieve their goals/ intakes might prove good for me.
but just incase you wanted to know.
I'm roughly 100-105 pounds and I'm 5ft6 pushing 5/7.

Please don't judge/lecture me, I'm trying to change and this is taking a lot of bravery :)

Thank you


  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site/app. Get comfortable and take it slow & steady to get where you want to be. : )
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Best of luck. Please feel free to friend me :smile:

    PS I'm 27, from the UK, female, and looking to get down to ~160lbs
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Welcome! It's awesome here, and we're not going to judge you - you're trying and that's a good thing :) Feel free to add me. I'm 23, 5ft 4, 126lb and onto maintenance :) Alex x