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This is my second full week of using MFP but this is my first message board post. I am a full time student and stay at home mother to three children. April 29, 2011 I went to the doctor for pain in my wrist, hands, and arms (carpel tunnel), of course they weighed me and I was in shock. I was at the heaviest I've ever been, 231, heavier than I was nearly 9 months pregnant with twins! It was that weigh in that made me realize I had to do something about my weight, that I had slowly put on since having my first babies 9 years ago. At first I started following the Weight Watchers points system and wasn't seeing much change. I joined my local YMCA in June and I've been exercising religiously since, minus the week my family was on vacation. I still eat what I want, I just eat it in smaller portions and I make sure I exercise. I love the eliptical machine, but find I burn more calories on the Arc trainer. I usually use a cardio machine for an hour and then use the weight machines for thirty minutes 4 to 5 days a week. Exercise has made a huge difference in my life in just the short amount of time I've really been doing it. My mood is improved drastically, I have way more energy than I ever had before, and I feel good about myself, something I don't know I could have ever said before. Wednesday's are my weigh in days and today officially makes 29 pounds I've lost since April 29, 2011. My initial goal was to lose 51 pounds. With today's weigh in I realized I am over half way to my goal! I also have a mini goal to get below the 200 pound mark. I'd hoped to be there by August 1, 2011, while I am not sure it will happen by August 1st., I am positive it will happen, and sooner than later. I am determined to live healthier for my family, I want to be around to see my babies go to college, get married, and have families of their own!


  • cafeteriagirl
    cafeteriagirl Posts: 267 Member
    Congratulations on the success!!! Good for you:) It is hard to take it off but when you see the results happening it does give you the drive to stick to it. i hope you make your goal for August.
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Sounds like it "clicked" for you! Great job so far! I can relate. I put on 100 lbs in the 2 years following high school graduation. I had gotten married and had a baby and kept piling on the weight. It wasnt until my 1st child was nearly 7 and I had baby number 2 that I started dropping the weight for good. Ive since lost 100 lbs and am actually smaller than I was in highschool.
    I would love to support you in your continued journey and lifestyle change! Feel free to add me if youd like another friend.
  • DLMcCutchen79
    DLMcCutchen79 Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you cafeteriagirl and Sonchie, I appreciate the encouraging words!