Calories burnt at a music festival.

dfunk42 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
I need some advice on logging some 'exercise'. I am going to be attending a big music festival this weekend, it's gonna be an all day thing, about 14 hours outside attending concerts. It is definitely gonna be something way out of the norm as far as burning calories goes for me in a day but i am not sure how to log it or calculate it.

Any ideas?


  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    If it was me... I wouldn't bother. You can't track everything, all the time.

    Watch what you eat, move around, don't drink too much... and enjoy yourself :o)
  • skinnyhappy
    skinnyhappy Posts: 152 Member
    First of all, drink a TON of water!

    Second of all, I counted all my festival "exercise" as walking. We stayed VERY close to the last festival I went to, but it was still a 15 minute walk to the venue, and then more walking to various stages. AND there were hills. So I estimated the time I spent walking and entered that. I GUESS that's the best way to log it?
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I went to a music festival last weekend.

    I didn't track it. I mean really...that's kind of ridiculous. It's not exercise. You're kidding yourself if you say it is. Do you track how many calories you burn when you do the dishes?

    I drank enough beer that I figure I came out on the even side anyways. Plus, it's a freakin music festival...just go have fun.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Your could try upping your daily activity level under your profile one or two notches for the day of the festival rather than trying to estimate calories. This is how I handled a recent trip to my mother-in-law's where I swam several hours a day -- typically with a seven year old and two four year olds hanging off of me.
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    Maybe log the walking time and the dancing time. Or you could get a device that you can wear that will measure your caloric burn.
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    I wouldn't log it as exercise - Try and eat healthy ish - maybe take a few low cal snacks with you, try and stay under your calories or close to them and just know that you have a little bit of wriggle room as you'll be on your feet alot of the day. Have oodles of fun :)
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    I went to a music festival just this past weekend, and was running around shooting the whole time. In the end I didn't even try to count that weekend. I guess you could try to determine how long you were standing/walking out of the day (so keep track of when you're sitting down), and then log that as a "leisurely walk" maybe? But then, if you're trying to estimate the calories in festival food, it all becomes a total crapshoot, haha.

    I basically tried to stay moderate in what I was eating (despite being given free food for the weekend), ease up on the beer (only had maybe 3 per day), and drink lots of water. When I came back I was exactly on track with my loss still, so I guess it worked!

    Good luck, but most importantly, have FUN! Music festivals are the best. :)
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member
    Let me ask you this: any moshing involved?
    Can't remember the source, but someone a time ago estimated between 200-400 calories for every ten minutes of time in the pit.
    I would go conservative, numerically, if you just jump in and head out, less so if you dominate the pit. I always felt it would be a great HIIT.
    Better health through metal!

    If its not that kind of concert, average light walking time should do. And it is only one day.
    Have fun!
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Let me ask you this: any moshing involved?
    Can't remember the source, but someone a time ago estimated between 200-400 calories for every ten minutes of time in the pit.
    I would go conservative, numerically, if you just jump in and head out, less so if you dominate the pit. I always felt it would be a great HIIT.
    Better health through metal!

    Haha ;o)
  • mcdona4
    mcdona4 Posts: 5 Member
    I went to a music festival last weekend.

    I didn't track it. I mean really...that's kind of ridiculous. It's not exercise. You're kidding yourself if you say it is. Do you track how many calories you burn when you do the dishes?

    I drank enough beer that I figure I came out on the even side anyways. Plus, it's a freakin music festival...just go have fun.

    not sure what kind of festivals you have been to, but not calling the ones I've been to exercise is way off. Our camp was about 30 minutes out from Centeroo this year.... We walked 30 (maybe 45.. can't remember for sure) minutes about 4 times a day plus all the other walking between stages and the vendors. I am sure that I walked over 5 miles a day (and that is a major underestimate)... at a good pace that would be at least 500 calories each day... not to mention dancing and carrying around extra weight in a backpack. I've got ACL coming up this weekend, and I've been checking out menu items and how far I'll be walking to figure out how to estimate my days. It isn't necessarily the best or hardest cardio, but walking that much burns calories and is a FAR cry from washing dishes. By the end of the festival my feet swelled so bad I couldn't fit into my sandals.... lots of people walk 10-20 miles at these things. So don't be such a prick, please.

    As for logging calories at one, I would estimate how many calories you burn walking a mile or so (or per minute) and figure out how far of a walk you have to get to the stages... then assume another 100-200 for the stuff around the stages. You might underestimate the calories burned, but at least you won't freak out so bad when you are forced to eat food that wouldn't be a part of your meal plan.

  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I guess you could try to determine how long you were standing/walking out of the day (so keep track of when you're sitting down), and then log that as a "leisurely walk" maybe?

    This is exactly what I did when I went to a Ren faire a few weeks ago.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I did Coachella in April and I did an estimate based on walking time and distance. It IS more than normal activity. Drink plenty of fluids too.
  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    I went to a music festival last weekend.

    I didn't track it. I mean really...that's kind of ridiculous. It's not exercise. You're kidding yourself if you say it is. Do you track how many calories you burn when you do the dishes?

    I drank enough beer that I figure I came out on the even side anyways. Plus, it's a freakin music festival...just go have fun.

    Hi YukonJoy.... I must respectfully disagree with you. I had to miss my regular workout today because of scheduling conflicts. Instead I ended up walking 3 hours with my 4 year old niece in downtown Houston at the Ice Sculpting Competition and other sites. Let me say..That was a workout because I am absolutely drained. I didn't have any drinks besides water. I'm logging this in my Exercise Diary as 2 hours of leisure walking (with respect of certain down times). Physical activity is physical activity...and 2 hours of walking is definitely major activy for most MFP members...Respect to the newbies! :love:
  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    I went to a music festival last weekend.

    I didn't track it. I mean really...that's kind of ridiculous. It's not exercise. You're kidding yourself if you say it is. Do you track how many calories you burn when you do the dishes?

    I drank enough beer that I figure I came out on the even side anyways. Plus, it's a freakin music festival...just go have fun.

    Hi YukonJoy.... I must respectfully disagree with you. I had to miss my regular workout today because of scheduling conflicts. Instead I ended up walking 3 hours with my 4 year old niece in downtown Houston at the Ice Sculpting Competition and other sites. Let me say..That was a workout because I am absolutely drained. I didn't have any drinks besides water. I'm logging this in my Exercise Diary as 2 hours of leisure walking (with respect of certain down times). Physical activity is physical activity...and 2 hours of walking is definitely major activy for most MFP members...Respect to the newbies! :love:

    I just realized this was an older post...but evidently still relevant...since I was actually trying to calculate calories burned for my Festival Walking today. It gave me some clarity. Smooches to MFP family!
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