Eating Organic



  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    in short there really is no science that supports that organic food is any more healthy for you than other.

    I don't eat organic food because it is "healthier" (it isn't- same nutrients, calories, and fat). I eat it because it hasn't been sprayed with toxic chemicals. Science certainly supports that not eating toxic chemicals = a good thing.

    I buy organic where it counts- look for the "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15" lists that have the 12 fruits and veg that really absorb the pesticides/chemicals (peaches are one of the worst offenders), and the 15 cleanest fruits and veg where it really doesn't pay to buy organic because they don't absorb the chemicals as well.

    but science has also proven that there are no noticeable traces of pesticides in conventionally grown actually has proven that there is more health RISK in organic foods due to their growth.

    I'll agree to disagree and keep on buying my organic peaches. :bigsmile:
  • aray379
    aray379 Posts: 131
    I also eat organic where it counts all natural most of the other time. I don't eat processed foods anyways so I'm already health concious. Also, my doctor told me to start eating organic fruits and vegetables as I am allergic to the pestisides used in the growth of some (apples, celery, pears ect.) So...cleary the pestisides do stay on the food. I also eat more organic and natural since most of the products are produced with less harm to the Earth. It is a bit more expensive but a lot of stores have store brands now that help like Nature's Place.