Could Diet Soda Really be the Culprit



  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 483 Member
    OK, just because this thread has not gone down the "diet coke is the most evil thing in the world and expect a 3rd eye any day now" route, I will give it a whirl... no diet coke for a week. (watch someone post it while I'm writing this :laugh: )

    I'm a diet coke a day guy in the mornings. I've lost all the weight I've really wanted to lose, but the slightest bit of fat is still on my tummy and blocking those darn abs from saying to the world "look at me!". The kicker is that I'm a very healthy eater, I just don't see an issue w/ the diet coke! Should probably add that I drink TONS of water and watch potassium... so sodium isn't an issue for me.

    Anyways, I'll give it a shot. If I see/feel really good results then I'll report back. If I don't then I'll probably just stay silent in fear of the food police.... and my wife (she is also the food police). :laugh:
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    OK, just because this thread has not gone down the "diet coke is the most evil thing in the world and expect a 3rd eye any day now" route, I will give it a whirl... no diet coke for a week. (watch someone post it while I'm writing this :laugh: )

    I'm a diet coke a day guy in the mornings. I've lost all the weight I've really wanted to lose, but the slightest bit of fat is still on my tummy and blocking those darn abs from saying to the world "look at me!". The kicker is that I'm a very healthy eater, I just don't see an issue w/ the diet coke! Should probably add that I drink TONS of water and watch potassium... so sodium isn't an issue for me.

    Anyways, I'll give it a shot. If I see/feel really good results then I'll report back. If I don't then I'll probably just stay silent in fear of the food police.... and my wife (she is also the food police). :laugh:

    Perfect! I must try this myself, especially sense I still have a good bit to lose and my weight loss has come to another stand still. I will see if it effects my weightloss or how I feel for the next fiscal week. Starting in the morning.
  • Gsc122
    Gsc122 Posts: 36
    I dunno, I've lost nearly 100 lbs so far, and for the majority
    Of it all I did was swap regular pops for diet. How much are you drinking?

    If salt its your issue I think the most I've seen its
    40 to 80 mg of sodium per 8 ml. In the grand scheme of sodium intake daily its not a lot.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I don't keep it in the house but still drink diet soda frequently. It has not hindered me from reaching my goals.
  • kinnick1
    kinnick1 Posts: 1
    I switched from diet soda to unsweetened iced tea. I lost 10 lbs over a ten day period without making ANY other changes to my diet or exercise routine.
  • tacfo6
    tacfo6 Posts: 1
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    :explode: If you do cut out the diet soda, be prepared for a wicked aweful headache! :explode:

    I tried to cut out sodas about a year ago. I did it for 2 months, but I was so miserable it wasn't worth it. I had no energy and felt tired all the time. I also had a migrane every day.
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member

    So far I am okay with stevia. I keep that white flour and sugar away, that is what really gets my cravings going!

    I am happy someone likes it. I really can't take the after taste. It just gets to me.

    I do drink diet coke still. I know the research is out there to prove it not so beneficial, but sometimes you need a few bubbles. I love water, but it does get boring.
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    I drink one large Diet Coke a day and it hasn't affected me reaching my goals (57lbs to goal weight, lost it in 6 months). I want to stop drinking it though. It's expensive (I have to have the fountain kind lol, no bottles or cans).
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    :explode: If you do cut out the diet soda, be prepared for a wicked aweful headache! :explode:

    I tried to cut out sodas about a year ago. I did it for 2 months, but I was so miserable it wasn't worth it. I had no energy and felt tired all the time. I also had a migrane every day.

    If this doesn't make you want to give them up permanently (causing a migrane for NOT having it?!?), then you are a lost cause. That's just scary! :laugh:
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 483 Member
    I drink one large Diet Coke a day and it hasn't affected me reaching my goals (57lbs to goal weight, lost it in 6 months). I want to stop drinking it though. It's expensive (I have to have the fountain kind lol, no bottles or cans).

    Ha, I'm the same way... something about the fountain drink.
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    I just cut it out of my diet because I suspected it was triggering my migraines (I was drinking a LOT of it), but now you all have convinced me to keep it out on a permanent basis!

    Good for you. Let me know if you see a significant weight drop after a week of no soda.