Hit a plateau and need to tweak...suggestions welcome :)

I hit my goal weight some time ago. I did this by doing Jillian Michaels dvds 5-6 days a week and eating sensibly (keeping within my calorie goal with the exception of one cheat day). Not only did I reach my goal, but I gained a lot of muscle and I'm loving it. So much in fact, that I think I'd like to take it to the next level and lose 3-4 more pounds and continue gaining muscle (the goal being to get leaner so the muscle is more visible). The diet and exercise routine is definitely going to have to be tweaked. I think my main problem is not keeping my calories in check, but watching WHAT I'm eating. I eat pretty healthy already, but I don't watch my food group ratios closely enough and I do occasionally splurge and eat a Big Mac or something sweet (chocolate is a weakness). So here's my plan to break the plateau, opinions are welcome!
1) More lean meats and adding a protein shake
2) LOTS more veggies (maybe adding a green smoothie in addition to more salads?)
3) No sodas (I don't drink them often anyways)
4) limit myself to 1 serving of dessert on my cheat day
5) limit myself to 1 cup of coffee instead of a whole pot (this one's going to be hard)
6) Continue to do several days of cardio (I change it up often)
7) Limit my dairy (and take a calcium supplement instead)
8) Add 3 days of strength training per week


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I hit a plateau and I am doing this too, and it has started working, I have about 12lbs left to lose. I am blogging about what I am doing to keep track
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    My suggestions are just based on what worked for me...changing up your workout routine and zig-zagging your calories a bit. It sounds like you want to tone up anyway, so cycling in strength training will help, and you can think about other ways of getting cardio that differ from what you've been doing (biking, HIIT, Zumba, etc). Some people have exact methods for zig-zagging calories, but I just try to go 100-200 calories low one or two days of the week and let myself go 100-200 over one day and my body usually responds pretty well.

    Best of luck!!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I almost thought this was a blatant drug seeking behavioral title.

    Since diet is the backbone of weight maintenance and weight loss, I would suggest changing that a bit before changing workout routines. As suggested, calorie cycling helps give your metabolism a little bump in the right direction.
  • luv2feesh
    luv2feesh Posts: 3
    Congrats on hitting your goal. Now about taking it to the next level. It sounds like you know how to eat but it sometimes takes a little crazy focus by that I mean don't deviate focus on the course if you really want it. Avoid that bigmac and opt for something better. Sometimes after we hit our goals we relax a little and thats when we start gaining. Live a little but not alot and good luck!
  • evesacks
    evesacks Posts: 94 Member
    If you like Jillian Michaels, then try her "master your metabolism" diet book. I agree with your ideas - lean protein at each meal (no need for protein shakes, best to stick to proper food IMO), lots of veggies and pulses. Totally cut back on any refined carbs (other than your one cheat dessert!). How much fruit are you eating? Why are you limiting dairy? - you can get calcium from other sources, eg sardines.

    Also try "body pump" classes, if you can twice a week. Body pump plus training for a duathlon and triathlon is working for me! Also I have hand weights at home and do shoulder/arms exercises whilst watching TV!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Plateaus are such a pain, I'm just coming off another one that lasted for more than 2 weeks (I still have about 15 lbs to lose). This was even while working out every day (I do Jillian Michaels DVD's also) and eating very carefully.

    When I reach my goal weight I may be doing to same thing and want to lose a few extra so that the muscle shows even better. These JM workouts really help add definition, I love it.

    Good luck!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback!
    @ evesacks- I definitely need to get more fruit in as well. I'm cutting back on dairy because I think I may be drinking too many of my calories. Ever since I was pregnant with my son, I crave milk. So much that some days I'll drink 3-4 glasses! For some reason, even a year later.....I still crave milk all the time lol! I've never heard of body pump but I'm going to have to find out if the gym I'm joining has it :)
    @ luv2feesh- I definitely need to focus much harder on the diet part lol
    @-anubis609-:laugh: I didn't even think about my title....I guess it does sound pretty bad lol!
    @ Creiche- Besides adding strength training, I've really been wanting to try Zumba and the gym I'm joining has it....looks like fun but I'm such a terrible dancer....gonna have to muster up all of my courage lol!
    @ Kat0310- Once you reach your goal I hope your able to lean out....come talk to me and I'll let you know what ends up working for me....you never know though, you might figure it out before I do! Best of luck!
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    How long ago did you reach your target weight? If it has been recently, I would suggest a 6-8 weeks of maintenance before trying to lose more. From what I've read (so far), your skin takes 6-8 weeks to catch up to the weight loss. Once that has happened, you will see more tone in your muscles. If you want to take it further after that, I think you will have a better idea of how your body works at the new weight and what you will need to do to lose the weight.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    How long ago did you reach your target weight? If it has been recently, I would suggest a 6-8 weeks of maintenance before trying to lose more. From what I've read (so far), your skin takes 6-8 weeks to catch up to the weight loss. Once that has happened, you will see more tone in your muscles. If you want to take it further after that, I think you will have a better idea of how your body works at the new weight and what you will need to do to lose the weight.
    Thank you Rafor. I've been maintaining for about 6 weeks now, I was trying to lose a little more in that time period but was unsuccessful. My weight loss was also very slow to begin with because I didn't have much to lose. But maybe this long stall was a perfect break for my body. :smile: