Hello! New to the site, and needs help!

I see on here that it counts your calories for you and lets you know what you are eating and your limits. What I am having trouble with is knowing WHAT I can eat. I am 21, about 155 lbs, 5 foot 7, and I am looking to get down to about 125. Im just not sure how to go about that and what I can and can not eat. Im also not sure what rate is healthiest for the weight loss.

Id appreciate the help, thanks!


  • ohhi59
    ohhi59 Posts: 4
    Hi Kristina! I'm about the same size as you! I kinda felt lost too but you can pretty much google 1200, 1300, 1400 cal diets with complete recipes and menus! Eat lots of veggies obviously (in different ways too! mix it up) and don't be afraid to eat a full meal! (I had ravioli last night with a salad and half a piece of toasted artisan bread) If you carefully record everything, you would be surprised at how much you CAN eat and how much of gaining weight has to do with constant snacking without thinking about what you're eating! Not to mention the more you exercise, the more food you can eat :drinker:
    Also, I dunno if this would work for you but i usually limit my breakfast calories so that i can look forward to a bigger lunch like a sandwich or something. It's fun to keep track :)