When to stop logging?

I have been a member of MFP since February. I did not have much to lose, and in fact have lost more than I planned. I feel great, I look great, and I feel confident that I have altered my eating and exercise habits enough to keep up with it on my own... or at least I'd like to think I'm confident! The problem is, I think it's time to stop logging every day and see if I can keep up on my own. Every day for the past week, I have made it through half the day without recording. Then, around 2:00, I cave and record all my calories up to that point. This morning, I deleted the app from my phone and was really proud of myself. Well, now here I am on my laptop! I have updated all my calories for the day, even though I told myself I wouldn't...

I guess my point is that I am obsessed with MFP and I can't stop... I feel that it's becoming unhealthy. I can't eat something if it's not in the database. And even when I tell myself I'm done recording everyday and I want to try it on my own, I can't. Is anyone else as crazy about recording calories as I am?! HELP! I need to get away and try it on my own!