I can't keep my calories low!

I am absolutely struggling to keep my calories below 1500 a day (my target it 1200), can anybody please give me advice?
I NEED to lose weight for school in september, I just have to!
I do lots of exercise so I get really hungry and faint but there's rarely anything suitable in the house so at the end of the day I end up having junk D:
Can I look at other people's diaries?
Any advice, tips or anecdotes will help me, don't be shy. Please help me!


  • Kmdforsythe
    Kmdforsythe Posts: 30 Member
    Try buying snacks that are healthy and low in calories so that you wont be as likely to eat junk food when you get home.
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    What are you eating? Like what types of foods? My calorie goal is 1200, but I eat a lot and still stay under...
  • ceschwartz
    ceschwartz Posts: 240 Member
    I do not eat perfectly, but I try to hit the 1200 mark. Feel free too look at what I eat on my good days, ignore that bad ones. :smile:
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    If you're doing lots of exercises, you need to eat lots! 1200 is the bare min.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    You're pretty close to your goal weight really. Lower your weight loss to 1lb or even .5 a pound a week. It's more sustainable and those last pounds are the most stubborn and you have to have realistic expectations of how quickly you can lose them in a healthy way.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Throw out all of the junk food. If it's not there you can't eat it.

    There are many people on here that have their food diary open to the public.

    And lastly, don't look at this as a diet. It is a change in lifestyle. Change your eating habits and stop dieting.

    Good luck.
  • Xlyinia
    Xlyinia Posts: 19 Member
    If there is nothing but junk food in your house, then go buy new food that is good for you. You can eat a TON of veggies and fruit for nearly nothing calorie wise. Plus the fiber keeps you full. Also lean protein is a good calorie value. Just get rid of the junk and eat the fresh stuff and the caloires just kinda take care of themselves.
  • luigigirl
    luigigirl Posts: 21
    Add me as your friend and you can look at my diary. My daily calorie goal is 1320. You can't starve yourself, that will not help you. I have lost over 16 lbs in 5 weeks even though my ticker says 8 because I haven't updated it yet. You need to eat every two hours to keep your metabolism running and to convert your food into energy instead of fat.
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    some of your friends should have open diarys and when they fill their's out at the end of the day and you see the post, so and so completed their food diary, and if it has view diary, you can click on it and view it. they also have 100 calaorie snacks, apples and fruits are low in calories...along with veggies, and stuff....hope this helps some
  • cskalaj
    cskalaj Posts: 94 Member
    Are you factoring in that you can eat the calories you exercise off? In fact, you're supposed to to give your body fuel. At 1,200 NET (meaning if you ate that plus what you exercised off) you're still at a deficit to lose and you're fueling your body to build the muscles from your exercising that will in turn boost your metabolism and help you lose more efficiently!
  • sociable15
    sociable15 Posts: 98
    Don't let yourself get so hungry you're fainting. Thats SUPER unhealthy. If you eat small healthy meals throughout the day you're less likely to binge at night. Fruit and veggies are good snacks that are reasonably low in cals.
  • debdptg
    debdptg Posts: 94 Member
    If you are hungry - then you body wants fuel. First, eat something with lots of fiber, like an apple, before you go to the other food. It will make you feel full. Then, make sure you are drinking your water - if you are dehydrated, it may make you feel like you are hungry. Last, pack some 'good' snacks and hide them away in your room so they will always be there. Fruit and veggies, microwave popcorn, what ever you crave.

    Good luck!
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    It is tough I know - but you probably or going to have to get your own "set" of healthy foods and snacks to have - I tried reducing calories (in the beginning) by keeping the junk around for the kids because they loved it but in the end - it was there so I ate it...
    Now I don't keep but just a FEW things around for them and I ignore that cabinet completely lol

    You CAN do this hon, I think AA has great information!!
  • wjewell
    wjewell Posts: 282 Member
    eat lots of veggies, and fruits. Watch some fruits though, high in sugar. eat white meat instead of red. whole wheat, whole grain instead of white bread. Try hungrygirl.com for some alternatives to your favorite recipes. look im my diary if you'd like.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    are you eating your exercise calories? Sounds like you arent eating enough to fuel your body for all the working out you're doing. Drink tons of water too!
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    If you're exercising and taking in right at 1,500 calories, I would say that you're doing a fine job. Add fiber to your diet and make sure you're eating enough protein, and I think you'll feel fuller.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You can check my diary if you want.

    Why do you only have junk available? Does someone other than you, such as parents, support you and buy the food? Will they not buy healthy options if you ask them too?
  • mwhitel
    mwhitel Posts: 6
    Try filling up on vegetables! They're really low in calories but fill you up. Feel free to look at my food diary, I've come up with some really good meals that are low calorie!
  • katiebug3268
    katiebug3268 Posts: 60 Member
    Throw out all of the junk food. If it's not there you can't eat it.

    There are many people on here that have their food diary open to the public.

    And lastly, don't look at this as a diet. It is a change in lifestyle. Change your eating habits and stop dieting.

    Good luck.

    I completly agree!!!!
  • ejhayes
    ejhayes Posts: 44 Member
    You can look at mine, by the way, I eat a lot of food in a day. It's getting easier to maintain the calories lower than the goal. I have mine set at 1,500 not 1,200 like it wanted to set it for me. I knew that would have been very frustrating for me to keep up with. I will add you and maybe we can help each other.