AUGUST CHALLENGE TEAM 9 / Jade 39 Please check in. . .



  • Nikkerz620
    Nikkerz620 Posts: 212 Member
    Heya everyone! I'm Nikki and 29 soon to be 30 and hoping to be to my goal weight by then (Nov 14)... I'm a mom of an 8 year old boy and I'm an administrative assistant. Hoping to finish my programming degree soon. :0) This is my first group so I'm excited to join. I've been on MFP for a while but have been stuck with no weight loss so I'm hoping this will help me stay more focused on the road ahead of me!! :)

    Oh and I'm from Wisconsin... Yes I'm a CHEESE HEAD!!! :0P GO PACK GO!!!

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • bell33usx2
    bell33usx2 Posts: 77 Member
    My name is Janice and I'm a 42 year old mother of 4 and their ages range from 22 to 3. Can anyone guess how we were preparing for retirement? :love: My husband is in Afghanistan and he has time on his hands and has shed his extra 20 lbs and I decided I needed to shed my extra 60.:embarassed: Anyway, I work full time outside of the home and with a 16 & 3 year old in the home I'm busy there too. ALL you moms know what I'm saying. (No, the 16 year old doesn't help much) :frown: I started the c2k last week and am still working on week 1 day 3. I'll get it....I'm stubborn that way. I'm needing extra motivation to get active again and I think this challenge is definitely what I need. I recently ordered the 30 DS to mix things up so definitely gonna be hearing me talk about soreness. :tongue:

    OOPS! I'm 43 soon to be 44. I had to stop and add the years up!:bigsmile:
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    Hey everyone! Sounds like everyone is off to good start in their weightloss journey :)

    My name is Angelie and I'm a soon-to-be 21 year old from Indiana. I'll be starting my senior year of college in a month where I study environmental and occupational health. No kids, but I have a darling but overly aggressive kitten named Katniss.

    I've always been pretty chubby and after I ate myself into lardism freshman year, I got serious about exercising and eating. I lost a ton of weight, then packed even more on and earlier this year I started taking the whole "eating in moderation" thing seriously. I'm almost down twenty pounds this year (7 with MFP), but now the old eating habits are coming back so I have to kick them in the butt and this challenge is the perfect opportunity to keep me more accountable.

    My workouts consist of (some) running, power walking, and some weights here and there.