Body composition

Okay, so I finally stepped on the scale after 4 months and I had gained almost 15 lbs. since June!!! So first off I'd like to say, don't ignore the scale, even though checking it daily will drive you nuts and dictate whether or not you have a good day, do check it regularly so you don't stay focused on your healthy lifestyle!!!:drinker:

Main point/question:

What I was surprised about with the weight gain is that even though I'm 8 lbs. heavier than last year when I started a diet, I think I look better. I had never weight lifted before, and even though I haven't been consistently weight lifting in the past year I did 4 months of a 5 day a week program, and then took 4 months off, then did a 30 day program twice, then took 2 months off and just finished another 30 day one in September. So, anyway, how much can your body composition change from lifting, because I feel like I look better than last year when I was almost 10 lbs. heavier. And should I not have my goal weight be as low as I might want it because of more muscle, but how much muscle does someone who consistently lifts carry anyway? Like if my goal was 130 with no weightlifting, what number should I be shooting for if I'm lifting regularly? Does this make any sense at all?

Sorry to babble on...:embarassed:


  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Okay, so I finally stepped on the scale after 4 months and I had gained almost 15 lbs. since June!!! So first off I'd like to say, don't ignore the scale, even though checking it daily will drive you nuts and dictate whether or not you have a good day, do check it regularly so you don't stay focused on your healthy lifestyle!!!:drinker:

    Main point/question:

    What I was surprised about with the weight gain is that even though I'm 8 lbs. heavier than last year when I started a diet, I think I look better. I had never weight lifted before, and even though I haven't been consistently weight lifting in the past year I did 4 months of a 5 day a week program, and then took 4 months off, then did a 30 day program twice, then took 2 months off and just finished another 30 day one in September. So, anyway, how much can your body composition change from lifting, because I feel like I look better than last year when I was almost 10 lbs. heavier. And should I not have my goal weight be as low as I might want it because of more muscle, but how much muscle does someone who consistently lifts carry anyway? Like if my goal was 130 with no weightlifting, what number should I be shooting for if I'm lifting regularly? Does this make any sense at all?

    Sorry to babble on...:embarassed:
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    Did you take measurements besides just lbs. on the scale?
    I mean, depending on where you are starting at it IS possible to gain weight but lose inches and look better all around. What about clothing size... how are your clothes fitting now as compared to then?
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    No, I never was a measurer. But all my clothes are of the stretch yoga pants type, so hard to tell really, could be I just feel better about myself, knowing I'm stronger, good attitude works wonders right? I should do the measurement thing.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    The thing to remember is that fat takes up less space then fat does.
    So you may weigh more, but it's not horrible.
    I went from a size 16 to a size 8 with only a 5 lbs loss, the only thing I was doing different was weight training.

    So, if you are content on your size and not too worried about the weight keep doin what you are doing.
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    4 sizes with only 5 lbs., really? What about the other way around though, I've gained 12 lbs. in 5 months, but trained for and ran 2 marathon over that time and did 2 30 day WL programs. I am not fitting into the new clothes I bought last year when I got down to a 4/6, but I can still fit into my stretchy 8's.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    It can change drastically, but really it depends on the person. In Aug. 2006, I was 136 lbs and 28% body fat. Now I'm 134 lbs and 19-22% body fat. So I lost about 12 lbs of something and gained 10 lbs of something else. Lost two pant sizes. But that's after 2.5 years of consistent training with a periodized program and lots of calorie manipulation. I can't really use the scale for much, so I rely on measurements and pant sizes.
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I am lucky enough to be a member of a gym that does free body compositions every 4 weeks.
    Here were my results:

    1st body comp = 27% body fat

    2nd body comp (last week) = 24% body fat
    I lost 6lbs of fat and gained 2.5 pounds of muscle in 4 weeks (lost 5 inches overall).
    I have included weight training 3 times a week for about 5 weeks now. My friends make fun of me cuz I only started at 5lbs weights but every little bit helps. I'm up to 8lbs right now and soon I'll be moving up.

    I agree, weighing yourself to keep you in check is a good thing but measuring can be much more motivating especially when doing weights.

    I'm glad you are feeling good about yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    I remember getting "pinched" for body fat and being a bit under 19%, which they said was great, but that with weight lifting I could probably get to 15-17%. I think I'm going to go back in for the "pinching" and see where I'm at, and aim for that 15% or so, and when I get there, see what the scale is and relax no matter what the number is.