What is your real style?



  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    honestly...im just a t shirt and jeans kinda girl in the winter, and a tank and shorts kinda girl in the summer....i do wanna look a hell of a lot better when i rock my shorts and tank during the summer though = D
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Mandingo commando.
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Most of my clothes don't fit my personality, they fit my lifestyle (lots of clothes for working outside, work boots, and exercise clothes). I'm usually sporting an oh-so-sexy farmer's tan to go with it. lol I prefer to wear retro and vintage clothes, especially dresses and skirts. For everyday wear I like 60's styles like a lot of the stuff on rustyzipper.com. I also like color! Fuschia's my fave followed by turquoise. And for dressier occasions I like Victorian through about the 40's. Check out vintagetextile.com. I can't afford a single thing on there, but WOW! I'm starting to actually be able to fit back into some of my favorite clothes now, but the great thing about wearing vintage is that I don't have to worry about them going out of style while I lose weight!!
  • reactor25
    reactor25 Posts: 146 Member
    I love modcloth and I love ruffles!! And yes, gaining weight wrecked my style. The main reason was I didn't have the money to continuously buy new stuff in a constantly bigger and bigger size. And they don't make as much cool clothing in larger sizes as they do smaller sizes---particularly, affordable, cool clothes in larger sizes.
    When I lose weight I can't wait to wear are my jeans with my dad's sweet leather belts he's had since the 70's and I confiscated in high school and all my thrift store dresses that are too small...oh!!!and my leather pants--I like to wear them casual with t-shirts. So, I guess I wouldn't really need to buy anything when I lose weight--I'd just wear my old stuff I love. I love all my boots at any weight--except the military over the knee lace up boots that don't fit at my current weight.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
  • Uk_Yogini
    Uk_Yogini Posts: 167
    Love Bohemian/Vintage
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    This question really has me thinking! Not only am I losing weight, I'm retiring!
    What to choose when I'm a smaller size and don't have to go to the office! (and I have my new Mini Cooper retirement present).
    One of my co-workers calls me the "groovy granny".
    I really gotta think about this.....
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Mid century homeless person, only I smell marginally better
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I have no style. I'm lame
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I'd wear the same thing I do... the only way my style has really changed over the years is I no longer keep my hair short (I had a hair stylist for a roommate for 8 years so the short hair was actually the change) and I wear fewer skirts, because I work at a welding shop instead of a corporate office.

    First thing I'm going to buy as I lose weight are more blouses and jeans that fit... that's about it.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I would like to treat myself to some of these:

    and I also think that my style would end up looking more "girly" dresses, skirts & cute heels. Right now I wear more of just jeans, t shirts, flip-flops.

    I'm bookmarking that site! If you like corsets check out www.timelesstrends.com I own a couple of theirs and they are VERY well made, hold up really well and can be pulled VERY tight. The hubby has broken strings tying me in ;) They are all way too big for me now so it's time to replace them, I can't even keep them ON tied as tightly as they go, let along suck anything in LOL.
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    Wow! Good post! I'd change a few things. First off, I'm trying to grow my hair out. Secondly, I'd be more daring at my weight goal. Daring as in digging deep into some crazy fashion... not slutty. I'd go shopping for some cute leather boots (think riding boots not hooker boots lol) cuz most dont fit my legs. I'm not large or overweight but for some reason I was blessed (or cursed) with big calves. Hoping to lose some inches in there so I can actually wear some of the boots I love. Also find a great pair of skinny jeans that fit perfect. :)

    Did u play a lot of sports as a kid and early teen? My sister and I did and we both have huge calf muscles.
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    I wear the same thing (I didn't lose that much: one size):
    My motto is:Tight as can be, and short if appropriate:
    skinny 7 jeans, 7 daisy dukes, G-star raw jeans (only hip high with studded belts), flats, tight tank tops, shoulder free tops and flats for casual (Mostly I'm wearing Birkenstocks, though)
    I just bought two really figure fitting suits (black with pants, dark-grey with skirt) in Germany for work. European style looks sexier than the US work attire, I think. Shoes: Cole Haan - Nike Air, and Tory Burch are comfi work shoes
  • PurpleCoookie
    I think I wear more styles and change my hair. Dresses and shorts are so cute but its rare to see me one so when I get to my goal weight I'm buying the shorts!
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I'm bookmarking that site! If you like corsets check out www.timelesstrends.com I own a couple of theirs and they are VERY well made, hold up really well and can be pulled VERY tight. The hubby has broken strings tying me in ;) They are all way too big for me now so it's time to replace them, I can't even keep them ON tied as tightly as they go, let along suck anything in LOL.

    Oh wow! They have some really pretty ones! Lately I've become kind of obsessed with corsets. I can't wait until I lose some more weight & can get some really cute ones. :smile:
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I'm bookmarking that site! If you like corsets check out www.timelesstrends.com I own a couple of theirs and they are VERY well made, hold up really well and can be pulled VERY tight. The hubby has broken strings tying me in ;) They are all way too big for me now so it's time to replace them, I can't even keep them ON tied as tightly as they go, let along suck anything in LOL.

    Oh wow! They have some really pretty ones! Lately I've become kind of obsessed with corsets. I can't wait until I lose some more weight & can get some really cute ones. :smile:

    Oh... another awesome source... I also would recommend http://www.jupitermoon3.com/. Every one is custom made to your specification and extremely high quality.
  • MissBellatrix116
    MissBellatrix116 Posts: 50 Member
    I think my style would stay about the same. T-shirts and jeans. With the occassional high-waisted belt and such. And Dresses. A lot of them. XD My favorite piece of clothing right now has to my Power Ranger Tees.
    Once I reach my goal I'll be wearing spandex and a cape. Oh and a codpiece.

    Love this, btw. XD
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I wear the same thing (I didn't lose that much: one size):
    My motto is:Tight as can be, and short if appropriate:
    skinny 7 jeans, 7 daisy dukes, G-star raw jeans (only hip high with studded belts), flats, tight tank tops, shoulder free tops and flats for casual (Mostly I'm wearing Birkenstocks, though)
    I just bought two really figure fitting suits (black with pants, dark-grey with skirt) in Germany for work. European style looks sexier than the US work attire, I think. Shoes: Cole Haan - Nike Air, and Tory Burch are comfi work shoes

    cutie, oh yes you are :)
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    i can't really seem to figure out any style other than jeans and tshirt.

    Y U jockin my style?
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    This question really has me thinking! Not only am I losing weight, I'm retiring!
    What to choose when I'm a smaller size and don't have to go to the office! (and I have my new Mini Cooper retirement present).
    One of my co-workers calls me the "groovy granny".
    I really gotta think about this.....

    Can I say as a young person who knows one day I will be much older. It inspires me when older women still dress fashionably. I see to many older women kinda just saying" forget it" when it comes to getting dressed for the day or picking' out a cute outfit to go out aka my mom who is in her mid 60's and wears none of her good cloths anymore even though they still fit. I hope no matter what style you find you make sure you look and feel good in whatever you choose! ROCK IT groovy granny!