bad habits

lanadlanad Posts: 12
edited 10:09AM in Food and Nutrition
does anyone have any bad food habits they do? Mine is washing my dinner plate and then going straight to the snack cabinet for an after dinner snack. Anyone have this problem? What can I do to stop besides tying myself to a chair (kidding).


  • Loredo88
    Loredo88 Posts: 9
    I have the same problem. I am in love with the Skinny Cow ice cream bars and they're usually around 100 calories. Also, one of my MFP friends keeps a SoBe flavored water in her fridge and when she gets a sweet tooth, she just takes a couple sips & it curbs her cravings. Personally, I need more than a couple sips of flavored water so I go for the Skinny Cow bars.
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    It's simple, just stop. You could also try to make your dinner more tasty and exciting. Try out new healthy recipes, instead of just having the same ol' meals. has some really good recipes. :)
  • I kinda have the same problem except instead of eating full meals, i snack all day long! it doesn't seem like a lot at the time since i'm only usually snacking on something small like a piece of cheese, but all day and they start to add up! it's hard for me to find foods that are filling and aren't fatty or full of carbs!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    If you find it difficult to stop the after dinner snack, try Philly Swirlz Dee-lites at 14 calories. They taste just like creamcicles and won't ruin your efforts!
  • mandemonious
    mandemonious Posts: 217 Member
    I have the same cravings, I've started making delicious frozen fruit treats. I use fresh papaya, cantaloupe, banana--whatever with that sort of texture. Cut it up while ripe and sweet, freeze, put in food processor. I add a little Keifer (yogurt drink), but only enough to get it going. When its finished its a beautiful sherbert treat with 60-110 per half cup (depending on the fruit).

    Or a cup of berries is good. Its snack-ey and is high in fiber, low in calories. Blueberries and raspberries = yum~~~

    "Collecting" supportive friends, so folks can add me if they want :)
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I kinda have the same problem except instead of eating full meals, i snack all day long! it doesn't seem like a lot at the time since i'm only usually snacking on something small like a piece of cheese, but all day and they start to add up! it's hard for me to find foods that are filling and aren't fatty or full of carbs!

    Try iceberg lettuce or cucumber slices with Wishbone spray dressing. Also, salt water taffy is 15 calories per piece and Philly Swirlz Dee-lites are 14 calories.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    When I'm craving something and I know I'm not hungry, I brush my teeth (or pop a mint..or gum, whatever). I've read that minty flavors get rid of cravings. Plus, nothing tastes good after you have something minty.
  • lanadlanad
    lanadlanad Posts: 12
    Thank you all for the ideas. I'm DEFINITELY going to try them. Hopefully with these ideas and pure will power I'll be moving along with my healthy life plans!
  • rmancha
    rmancha Posts: 14 Member
    I have this problem from time to time too. But I read somewhere that anything that has artificial sweetners just leaves you wanting more. I tried for a week to stay away from artificial sweetners even diet coke and I have to stay I don't crave snacks as much, I used to go on binges before...I substituted the sweetners with fresh fruit. I bought fruit that I like and that I don't buy all the time for variety. Another thing I did was coffee, I love coffee and I know I get the cravings in the afternoon so I eat fruit with coffee, funny but it is very satisfying. Also I squeeze in water as much as I try but notice how I squeeze it glass when I wake up, for lunch even if I have tea I have a cup of water too, now I rather have the water, during my work out I have another cup, after workout, for dinner, and before I go to bed..and maybe some more during the day...bottom line water makes a difference!
  • harm_ny
    harm_ny Posts: 21
    I have bad food habits too :( Every night I always crave something sweet. I live with my boyfriend's parents so his mum will make carmelitas, cookies, and brownies. His older brother will come home from costco with a variety package of ice cream cones and other sweet treats. I'm trying to break the habit of having dessert every night and a 50/50 blended drink (half mocha and half cappuccino) in the mornings.
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