How to I work myself up to running?

I have started to go for a fast pace, speed walk after working out. It feels wonderful, and I like to set goals for myself with my HRM to reach a certain number of calories burned. For example, last night I set my calorie burn goal to 250. In order to do this I jogged for a bit and I found large hills and speed walked up them and then down with resistance. What I would really like to do is jog/run, but I don't believe I am physically ready. Has anyone been there with me? How do I train my body to handle longer distances. I putter out pretty quickly, but have no problem speed walking for long distance and up hills.


  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    A lot of people will recommend the Couch 2 5K program.

    I didn't do it. I have built up to running 22 mins straight outdoors just by going for long walks every day and adding in a little running at the end, slowly adding more and more time to my runs and less walking. It has taken me about 3 weeks to work up to 22 mins straight, but I was walking nearly daily for 45-60 mins at a time for about 3 months. Whatever you do, build up slowly!
  • PeytonSwan
    PeytonSwan Posts: 56 Member
    I'm no expert at this :D , but I have tried myself in jogging and it is possible :D ( My condition is like minus 5000 ). As seajolly already mentioned , you have to build up slowly. start with 5 minutes jogging the whole way through for a few days ( those 5 mins can be veerrryyy long ! :D), then 10, then 15 I had always headphones in my hears so the music kind of distracted me of being tired or feeling my legs get heavy and all that.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    couch to 5k is a good program to look at - but i find that I can't stick to it. it moves a bit too quickly for me. i'm trying to run in blocks, and increase those blocks each time I go... so the first week or so I tried to run for 1 minute, then walk for 2 minutes, for 30 minutes. The next week i upped it to running for 1:30 and walking 2 minutes. I'm now up to running 3 minutes and walking 2 minutes (but i can only keep it up for 20 minutes, not half an hour). Push yourself a little bit more each time, and you will achieve results.

    My other piece of advice is to jog only a little faster than you would normally walk. There's no way I can run any faster for very long!!
  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
    Set a goal for running a short part of your walk. Continue this until you are comfortable and then continue to increase until you are running. Be sure to stretch before and after.
  • lijparsons
    lijparsons Posts: 258
    I just started the Couch to 5k program yesterday. It gets you from the couch to running 5k in 9 weeks. The program gets rave reviews. Google it to see the full program. I downloaded an app for my ipod to use while walking/running to assist me with when to walk and when to run. Its great, and I am striving for a 5K in my town which is currently scheduled right at the end of the 9 weeks.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    My other piece of advice is to jog only a little faster than you would normally walk. There's no way I can run any faster for very long!!

    This is good advice. Take it slooooow. You might even feel silly running slow, but running slow builds endurance.
  • Ninja_Knitty
    run for 1 minute, then walk for 2 minutes, for 30 minutes. The next week i upped it to running for 1:30 and walking 2 minutes. I'm now up to running 3 minutes and walking 2 minutes

    My other piece of advice is to jog only a little faster than you would normally walk. There's no way I can run any faster for very long!!

    This is a really good idea. If I do choose to go at this alone, this seems like a healthy way to reach my goal and not hurt myself. Everyone seems to have something really helpful to say. Thank you to all!
  • Ninja_Knitty
    I just started the Couch to 5k program yesterday. It gets you from the couch to running 5k in 9 weeks. The program gets rave reviews. Google it to see the full program. I downloaded an app for my ipod to use while walking/running to assist me with when to walk and when to run. Its great, and I am striving for a 5K in my town which is currently scheduled right at the end of the 9 weeks.

    How much is the app? I am going to google this today.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    couch to 5k is a good program to look at - but i find that I can't stick to it. it moves a bit too quickly for me. i'm trying to run in blocks, and increase those blocks each time I go... so the first week or so I tried to run for 1 minute, then walk for 2 minutes, for 30 minutes. The next week i upped it to running for 1:30 and walking 2 minutes. I'm now up to running 3 minutes and walking 2 minutes (but i can only keep it up for 20 minutes, not half an hour). Push yourself a little bit more each time, and you will achieve results.

    My other piece of advice is to jog only a little faster than you would normally walk. There's no way I can run any faster for very long!!

    I agree C25K is the bomb. I'm finishing week 2 and I've notice a tremendous improvement.
  • Ninja_Knitty
    Ok, so I just purchased C25K and I really like it. It starts you out just right. Hmmm.. Maybe I can do this.