Stephanie is here!

So, I was using SparkPeople but I saw this site in a magazine at the grocery store counter and I thought I'd make a new start with a new site. I'm 28 and I live in Kansas. I am 155 pounds and I wanted to get down to 120 pounds by my birthday (October 21st), which isn't going to happen, but I want to be healthier by then. I walk a lot when I have time, this week I have walked every day for about an hour to an hour and a half (today I was a go-getter and walked for two hours!), I love my MP3 player and am constantly adding new songs to it to give myself some variety. I like to read mystery novels in my spare time. I have a paralegal degree and work in customer service right now, but I want to go back to school in the fall or next spring for court reporting, medical transcription and Spanish. I usually walk by myself but if there is anyone in Wichita (women only, please) who would like a walking or fitness buddy, I could use the support, I live in a sober living house and have 10 roommates but they aren't necessarily on the same page (trying to lose weight) as I am. Anyway, glad to be here and I hope I can start getting closer to my goal!