NEW to this...

Aloha (Hello) everyone! Name's Josephine and today will mark the 3rd day that I've been with myfitnesspal :) things are going good so far... it's tough! Don't have any friends on here as of yet and need lotsa support, trying to convince friends and family members to join me... so if anyone wants to be my "friend" I'll gladly welcome the motivation and encouragement! Thanks and good luck to each of you!!!


  • banjjo
    banjjo Posts: 89
  • Pheeknee
    Pheeknee Posts: 6
    thank you :)
  • ErikaJanem
    ErikaJanem Posts: 7 Member
    hi ,
    welcome to myfitnesspal. this is a really cool thing to have on your side. it helps me a lot to keep track of my calories during the day. hopefully you will find it useful too!!
    Erika Jane
  • Pheeknee
    Pheeknee Posts: 6
    thanks a bunch! i'm excited for what the future of myfitnesspal has in store for me :)
  • AnotherMichelle
    AnotherMichelle Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome :) This is such a great network of support and motivation. Feel free to friend me if youd like :)
  • Pheeknee
    Pheeknee Posts: 6
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish! I've been on MFP for awhile now, but I've just really started to take advantage of it. Wishing you all the best!
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    Welcome, you going to be just fine! First few days can be hard. read the posts, drink water and get moving!
  • ditzee
    ditzee Posts: 49
    You are at the greatest place to be! Welcome to MFP. If your family and friends don't want to do this don't let it get you down. You will have plenty of friends here on MFP to motivate, encourage and help you. Take it one day at a time this is a lifestyle change and takes time. The first step was signing up and you won that battle! on the to the next! Friend me if you would like to! We can do this together!
  • Pheeknee
    Pheeknee Posts: 6
    thanks so much!
  • I'm new to this too, so we're in this together ;)