Success with Insanity?!

Hey everyone!

I'm about to start the dreaded Insanity. I just tried out the fit test and will officially start it Saturday. I just wanted to see what success people have had with it and what they thought.

I'm down to my last 5-6 pounds. I will also be running and training for my third half marathon as well as weight training when I get back to school in the fall.

Thanks everyone and good luck!


  • crystalmichelle82
    My coach Tiko did that and really it ripped him. Another coach on my beachbody team is doing that b/c she has done several other things and none of them gave her results. So good luck and it will do the job. are you a coach?
  • ashollings
    Hey there! I'm "that other coach". I did my fit test on Saturday and started Insanity on Sunday. So, 4 days into it I am surorised at how well I am able to hang in. I am definitely not up to marathon level when it comes to fitness levels. So, I would have to say that if you have the mind set to tackle a marathon then you will be able to tackle Insanity. It is all about mind over muscle. You have to tell your muscles to keep going even though they feel like they are going to quit. You can do it! We can cheer each other on through the process if you like.