Today is my first day with a trainer

I had knee surgery the end of last september. Before my knee blew out I was an avid runner. I also did Taebo, the firm, and biked. I ran races all the time. So my knee blowing out totaly changed my life. I gained weight and sort of got depressed. My knee continues to be messed up. I went to the doctors this week and he said he will give me 6 more weeks to try to get my quads strong. This should help the pain and the positioning of my knee. If it does not help I will be looking at more surgery. This time more intense/involved surgery. I am supposed to go on a Disney cruise and go to Disney the end of this September. I told my doctor and he said that I would have a very hard time with all the walking. When I asked him what I should do he said it would probably be best for me to rent either a scooter or wheelchair while I am there. I am 36 years old!!!!!!!!! I never thought in all my life that I would be told I needed to use a wheelchair. Doesnt he know he is talking to someone who ran 4-6 miles a day and then did strength training!!!!!!! Well today is my first workout with a personal trainer to try to strengthen the knee(and everything else that has gone south). I am bound and determined not to have to use a wheelchair, but I know I have to live in reality that strenghting might not help. I also really need to get these extra 30 some pounds off this blasted knee. I know the extra weight doesnt help either. Oh well enough of my rambling. Trainer time is at 8 this am. Gonna go a little early so I can get some cardio in before I get my @## kicked!!!!


  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    Trainer sessions are great, especially if you really have the willpower to do everything they make you do ;-)
    I wish you good luck, or rather good strength. Keep you determination high!

  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    Fair play to you. It will be great, i'd love a personal trainer.

    I pulled ligaments in both knees a while back and my right knee still gets sore as my kneecap is floating. It was sooooo frustrating as all I wanted to do was get back to spin and the gym. It killed me. So I have a tiny bit of an idea what it must be like. You have been through alot with your knees so hopefully, this is the end of it and the start of a new era.

    Best of luck with it and the trainer this morning!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I am so happy for you - my trainer has been the most fantastic part of my "recovery". When I started in September last year I had very dodgy knees, back and shoulders, and he kept on pushing my boundaries, but also gave me exercises that strengthned my muscles .....

    I am amazed every day at how far my body has come - and I give a lot of credit for that to my trainer - having a professional that understands injuries and how to rehabilitate is priceless......unfortunately there is also quite a few cowboys out there - I was just lucky I got a good one :-)

    Good luck with your rehabilitation :-)
  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    I had a similar story with a car accident. I lost a load of weight, started running and training a lot and then had a car accident followed by surgery to my ankle. The surgery wasn't successful and now I have periods where my ankle blows up and I have trouble walking. I am also due a second operation but really not keen to enter into that sort of thing while I'm unfit as I know that I'll spend 6 months immobile. I'm trying to work around the ankle at the moment so I can get the rest of me as fit as possible before I try and correct it again with a second surgery.

    Good luck to you with the trainer. You'll have a great time and should see good results!