

  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Same.... and it has to be Cheese!

    Doesn't matter what kind, just cheese....and large amounts of it!
  • Doglady72
    Hi, I found that if you exercised just go out and walk for 20 mintues, You aren't as hungry as you thought you were or not hungry at all. Exercising really helps. I also know that it takes are mind a little while to tell our body, hey I am full. If you are use to eating alot, your mind mine might be playing tricks on you. Are you truly hungry, or is it the habit of eating all the time? Hang in there your stomache will start shrinking and you hunger pains will go away.
  • fantomette
    fantomette Posts: 148 Member
    I would rather be hungry! TOM for me is equal to horrible nausea for the last few years. I'm thinking its a stress response that I'm now getting instead of the horrible cramps.

    Hungry you know what to do to fix it. Nausea you just want to lie there and die.
    I'm taking the pill (and NOT one of those new low-pill, but a very old one) exactly for this. I started at 16 because my parents had to come pick me up at school I was SICK, I was fainting, I felt HORRIBLE.
    After giving birth to my daughter 5 years ago I decided to stop the pill, I mean, who wants to be on hormones for all their life? Well, it took a few months and the nauseas and faintings started again, along with heavy period that lasted 10 days (!!!).
    So back on the pill. I hate it, but not going outside the house for 10 days/month is not an option for me...
  • Midori_i
    Midori_i Posts: 91 Member
    I guess I'm really lucky then. =-O I have no changes in appetite at any time of the month, I don't get pimples or bloated at or before THE time, no 'symptoms' at all. I feel light stomach cramps, sometimes they can be a bit stronger, but other than that I'd never even notice it's that TOM again.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    OOOhhh, so it is something related to TOM. I was wondering why I was sooooo ravenously hungry the other day and couldn't get full feeling. I noticed this happens every so often, not every month but almost every other month. And looking at the timing it is a few days before that time. Glad to know, I think I'll do the maint. calorie thing too.
  • sweetxsour35
    When I get hungry, I reach for the pickle jar. No calories!