i think there's something wrong with me



  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 305
    You may be feeling rotten because of the amount of sugar in the cake. I know I always feel horrible the day after I eat something with sugar. I'm trying to get that out of my system. I would try to drink a lot of water today and exercise if you can. I hope you feel better soon. It's a new day! Have a great one!! <<hugs>>
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Don't beat yourself up! I beat myself up and went on a guilt-trip every time I fell off my diet for years, which just makes the depression worse...

    Everyone is different, but I'll tell you what worked for me. My doctor discovered that my body doesn't process sugars or carbs well, and every time I ate some, my body would experience a brief period of energy followed by a massive crash. My doctor explained that when your metabolism is crashing, it makes you feel very hungry and crave sweets, and it also affects your brain chemistry. The chemicals that affect your mood are altered, and you actually have physical changes happening in your body that make it more difficult for you to make smart choices and resist temptations.

    I had been overweight for years, and had battled depression & mood swings for years, and I had never connected those things. But it turns out that ALL of my problems were just symptoms of not knowing the right way to eat.

    A few months ago, my doctor tested my metabolism and recommended that I cut out sugar and carbs as much as possible, and start eating something with protein in it every three hours while I'm awake. Those two strategies keep my metabolism going at a steady rate all the time: no more spikes & crashes. It's been hard, it takes a lot of planning ahead to have the right kinds of food on hand at all times. I've had to set alarms on my phone 'cause I'm really not hungry that often. But if I wait 'til I *am* hungry, I screw up & eat anything in sight. Sounds like that may be the case with you, too: at 3 a.m. you wouldn't have eaten in at least 6 or 7 hours, right? Maybe your body's metabolism was just crashing hard & taking you along for the ride.

    In the four months since I began this, I have not experienced any mood swings or depression and I've lost 30 lb. It has worked wonders. So, if you think this may be your problem as well, try eating something little & healthy every three hours, heavy on the protein & light on the carbs, and see whether your mood swings stop swinging.
    Best of luck to you!
  • Amysgetnfit
    Amysgetnfit Posts: 231
    Been there.done that ... didnt get thethe tshirt.except I ate the whole thing til I threw up. You were smart enough to throw it away.
    you are going to slip from time to time.ITS OK! MOVE FORWARD!
    Love the hungry girl advice.that's so true. Take comfort that you are not the only one. & as long as you get back on track your belly will feel better in a day or two. Try some probiotics may help balance your digestive system out &you your belly will feel better. I've found that when I binge its often when my system is out of whack and the sugar makes it worse
    Keep at it.you can do it!