I feel like I've been doing so well. I 've been eating under my calorie goal most days, not far under but not going over and today I gained 2 pounds! What the heck??? I'm frustrated, being good and still gaining weight! It sucks!


  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    I feel your on the scale today and sure enough UP.... well same as yesterday , but thats up from Monday. Errrrrrrrr....
    Im going to try flooding my body w/ water- haha
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    its only one day. I have the same thing today, I weighed 62.3 yesterday and 62.8 today. Its not a good time of the month though! Put it down to hormones and see what happens tomorrow, probably just a temporary blip!
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    The roller coaster is one of the most frustrating things to see.
    Be sure to keep track of your weight and see if you are losing weight over time.
    Things like salt can keep you from shedding water weight. If you are tracking your food carefully, check to see if you had high amounts of sodium yesterday.

    Don't be discouraged by a single day "bump", as long as your overall graph points down :)
  • adrehe
    adrehe Posts: 36 Member
    Don't get down. Stay strong you are doing great! It is very common to see weight fluctuations. Most commonly from water retention due to drinking too little water or consuming to much salt.
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member

    You said, "today I gained 2 pounds", which tells me that you probably weight yourself daily or fairly often. Therefore, the weight gain is most likely water retention. However, it could also be a variant of your last meals "sticking around" and causing the extra faux weight. Also. Even if you are eating under your calorie goal, you need to pick nutrient dense foods that will help flush out your system. Think of your body like a garden hose. Over time, minerals can build up from unbalanced water filtering through. The water is the food and drink that you choose to take, the mineral buildup is the additional weight you have or a body fat percentage. By putting balance to the water, (or your diet, with lots of fruit, veggies, and protein; while avoiding styro carbohydrates), you can begin to wear down the mineralization. However, if you work the hose around with your hands you can knock loose some of the buildup even faster. Bending the hose and moving it around is equivalent to exercise.

    Through this confusing analogy, I'm trying to say that, in order to steadily lose weight efficiently, you must have a nutrient dense diet with equal exercise where you eat back your calories, drink more than plenty of water, and do not weigh yourself daily.

    I can't see your diary, so I can't give you too accurate of an answer as to your hiccup in weight loss.

  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Did you gain the 2 pounds over the week or in a day or so? Sometimes body weight naturally fluctuates. It may be something you ate in the morning. The water or tea that you drank at lunch time or for woman TTOTM. There are many factors that can affect the number on the scale. That's why the scales aren't always the best tool for measurement. Measuring with a tape measure or a pair of pants can sometimes give a better indication of weigh loss.

    I always try to eat less carbs in the evenings and I must confess, that the night before my weigh (I weigh myself Friday mornings), I eat a light dinner.

    Don't get discouraged. Just stick to it and the number WILL fall.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Only weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day. You're body retains water and flux your weight daily + or – 3-4lbs.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Oops....just reread your comments and they covered my question. :flowerforyou:
  • FrauHausMaus
    FrauHausMaus Posts: 194
    I am just starting my weight loss, and on day one I was 158, on day two I was 163. Now I am back down in the 160 range, but I feel pretty sure that my weight gain was water. I went from drinking mostly soda to only water, and I think my body freaked out a little bit. Also, sodium can make you retain water. With a 2 pound gain in a short time, water is your most likely suspect. Eat some asparagus! It helps your kidneys work more efficiently (or so I've been told)
  • Casey1982
    Casey1982 Posts: 18 Member
    Ditto what other folks said - weight fluctuations do happen (if you eat lots of salty Chinese food, have your period, etc.) I would defintiely say to only weigh in once per week: same time, same day - totally in the nude :laugh:

    However, I've also started to notice a difference when I cut out more carbs. I'm not paying a whole lot of attention to calories anymore, but focusing on cutting my carbs in half...if you're up for an experiment, I'd say try that for a week and see how you do. Best of luck!!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I weigh myself everyday but I am aware that there will be fluctuations.

    Probably ideas of why you are fluctuating :

    - Water retention
    -Have you gone #2? If you haven't that can be a cause. We can store up to 12lbs of poop in our intestines, ew.
    - Too much sodium
  • RickinNH
    RickinNH Posts: 73 Member
    The human body consists, more than any other single thing, of water.

    If you measure on a day-to-day basis, the thing you are weighing more than anything else, is how much water you are. If you weigh yourself, then drink a pint of water, then get back on the scale, you will have "gained" a pound. We all know that drinking a pound of water is a net-plus health-wise, but it temporarily adds a pound.

    It works in the other direction, too. If you do an hour of hard cardio work in hot weather, you can easily shed several pounds of water weight. But just like the gain, sweating-it-out is only temporary.

    If you eat things that cause water retention, your weight will go up in the short term. Salt does this, I am sure there are others.

    Keep track of the big picture. If you burn more calories than you consume, you WILL lose weight. Period.
  • QuestForFitness
    Yeah, second what everyone else said. Water retention kills me. I love me salty foods and that comes back to bite me. You really need to watch sodium. Also, I've seen people gain up to 7 pounds from one weekend in water retention because they've been eating healthy for so long that when they splurge a bit, they're body really holds on to it. But drinking 64 plus ounces of water and watching your overall sodium intake each day should help you out
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Everything is interconnected, your body is a big bag of chemicals that are constantly interacting with each other, sometimes in ways you don't expect. I would never weigh myself more often than once a week, because there are so many little things that can make a big difference in that scale. You'll just drive yourself crazy if you check every day.

    A list of some of the things that can affect your weight:
    Reproductive hormones (male or female, this applies; you go through cycles where your body will hold on to fat and/or water)
    The weather (higher temps & humidity will make your body want to retain water)
    How long ago you've had a bowel movement (the contents of your bowels can add up to four pounds)
    How long ago you've exercised (recent exercise will make your muscles retain water)
    How much sleep you've gotten (not getting enough sleep throws off your brain chemistry, and that in turn can throw off your metabolism)
    Sodium levels (too much, and you retain water)
    Stress (again with the hormones that affect your body's fat & water storage mechanisms)
  • losing_4_life
    losing_4_life Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone! That makes a lot of sense because I didn't drink a lot of water yesterday. I usually get in at least 6 glasses and I only drank 2 yesterday and my dinner was pretty salty.

    Thanks for the info. I do weigh every day and do fluctuate a bit but I though 2 lbs was a lot. But now I know...drink my water and low sodium and carbs... Thanks! Love this site!!!
  • horsepullerlovesme
    horsepullerlovesme Posts: 228 Member
    stay strong the scale is not nice to me either. but i hope i am losin inches and gaining muscles. i workout 6 days a week and eat well. keep your head high and don't give up. :)
  • TheShelterCat
    I know it's easier said than done but try not to be discouraged! Like a lot of people have already said, weight fluctuates for a number of reasons so a couple extra pounds may not be significant in a week from now. It's happened to me as well!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Everything is interconnected, your body is a big bag of chemicals that are constantly interacting with each other, sometimes in ways you don't expect. I would never weigh myself more often than once a week, because there are so many little things that can make a big difference in that scale. You'll just drive yourself crazy if you check every day.

    A list of some of the things that can affect your weight:
    Reproductive hormones (male or female, this applies; you go through cycles where your body will hold on to fat and/or water)
    The weather (higher temps & humidity will make your body want to retain water)
    How long ago you've had a bowel movement (the contents of your bowels can add up to four pounds)
    How long ago you've exercised (recent exercise will make your muscles retain water)
    How much sleep you've gotten (not getting enough sleep throws off your brain chemistry, and that in turn can throw off your metabolism)
    Sodium levels (too much, and you retain water)
    Stress (again with the hormones that affect your body's fat & water storage mechanisms)
    Thank you for the long list of why!

    I do like to weigh in every day and realize there will be some fluctuations. This week i have 4 days going up in a row, but lost 2.4 pounds on my weekly weigh in. So like the stock market, I think the big losses/gains will even themselves out over the week and my next weekly weigh in day will be more reflective of actual weight loss. Also by weighing in daily it reminds me to flush with water, check my sodium (eating too many concocted meals, and bits of white flour here and there) and protein levels (I have a tendency to want to skip the meat), and general dietary content (eating a bit of cheese here and there too often!), etc.

    But I also know the first month we really want to see the progress, but our body is making so many chemical adjustments to our new exercise/dietary plans that it needs time to realize things are "okay". Keep doing the right things and I believe you will lose again soon. Give yourself a good month though to "settle in". Believe with the faith of a child!
  • Fitandsexy_fe
    Fitandsexy_fe Posts: 50 Member
    Don't be discouraged! That is muscle you are gaining!!! I like to weigh myself about once a month because my weight goes so up and down. but trust me, you are still on the right track and progressing. keep it going!!! BE ENCOURAGED