"Skinny *****"



  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    I read it. It did have some helpful things in there about artificial sweeteners and pesticides and stuff... but I pretty much felt like the book was a giant plug for Veganism.

    This. I bought it, I read it, I thought it was oversimplified at best, and wanted not only my money, but my time back. It says, in essence, that eating meat means you're doomed to be unhealthy forever. Basically, their good points about factory farming, corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and pesticides are rendered completely to the "overreacting bimbos" side of things when they utterly fail to realize that not only do not all diets work well for all people, but not all cows/chickens/pigs/whatever are raised and butchered the same way. They make a lot of great, albeit graphic points. But the book is, solidly, a plug for veganism. If you have an interest in becoming vegan, this is probably a good book for you. If you don't, don't bother.
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    So recently I was having a conversation with my MGR, because she has pictures of her two best friends on her desk, and they have Rockin Bodies I must say! She started telling me that they read all the Skinny Bi*ch Books and from reading them, they bacame Vegetarians.....:noway: She said prior to the books, they ate burgers, chicken, everything and anything, and after the books, they completely changed their food habits and life!! So I was definitly curious, who's read the book? and how did it effect you? it's 10 bucks at Barnes and Noble, should I consider reading this book? Details would be appreciated! :) Gracias and keep up the good work MFPeeps! :bigsmile:

    -Jess :flowerforyou:
    Lol if you're ethnic, you probably love meat. I do too which is why I don't bother with vegetarian diets or books. JMO.

    I am ethnic and I don't love meat. I actually don't really care for it and only eat chicken and fish. I haven't had cow or pig since I was a child.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    What does "ethnic" mean? Isn't it pretty relative?
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the info!! Some of you had me rollin with your posts! :laugh: Well one thing my mgr didn't mention was the Gory details of the animals......she's never read the book, so I'm thinking her friends didn't want to mention that part hahaa, but I too feel bad for the animals....I'm not a beef eater because my body does not digest it well....but I do love my chicken and fish! oh and some pork meat like Carnitas every once in a while yummm :) I didn't know the book was to persuade the readers to become vegans?? Nothing wrong with being vegan, but I know there are just some things that I can NOT give up, I mean why try to fool myself....I love milk, and cheese, and I love me some chicken! =D so with that in mind, I don't think it's the right book for me.....but thanks everyone for all the input! You were all very helpful! :bigsmile:
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I read it. It did have some helpful things in there about artificial sweeteners and pesticides and stuff... but I pretty much felt like the book was a giant plug for Veganism.

    Couldn't agree more. Funny read, I love thier WORK OUT DVD's I laugh my butt off with them ... I'd say check out their DVD's...

    I got a lot of education on Aspertame etc, which I have tried to nil out of my died, but I'm a meat eater, I love eggs, milk, cheese .. steak ... all in moderation but they were pushin' veganism hardcore
  • vivianleemit
    vivianleemit Posts: 112
    I actually read it and liked it. I was already vegetarian (Slaughterhouse did a much better job of it), but I feel like the "tough love" style of speech really sounded some alarm bells in my head. I can't say it was entirely worth the $10 (maybe more like $5), but it's good for a wake-up call. Beyond that, not much use; it doesn't really give you healthy living tips or recipes, just b****es (harhar) on and on about how horrible certain foods are for you.
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    What does "ethnic" mean? Isn't it pretty relative?
    As defined my merriam webster ethnic: of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background.

    So simply using the word ethnic and no other descriptor in this case makes no sense.
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    I read it. It did have some helpful things in there about artificial sweeteners and pesticides and stuff... but I pretty much felt like the book was a giant plug for Veganism.

    Couldn't agree more. Funny read, I love thier WORK OUT DVD's I laugh my butt off with them ... I'd say check out their DVD's...

    I got a lot of education on Aspertame etc, which I have tried to nil out of my died, but I'm a meat eater, I love eggs, milk, cheese .. steak ... all in moderation but they were pushin' veganism hardcore

    UUUuuuu!!! DVD's!? do tell! =D
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    What does "ethnic" mean? Isn't it pretty relative?
    As defined my merriam webster ethnic: of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background.

    So simply using the word ethnic and no other descriptor in this case makes no sense.

    :wink: it's okay people, he said ethnic, I'm not offended.....I'm mexican loud and proud, Yes!
    Am I a meat lover? .....ehhhh Only chicken, but I have learned NOT to say No when I visit my mom and she serves me a huge plate of beans rice, and some Carne de Res en salsa verde(espinazo)-ummm how to explain that in english? not really sure google it! lol We always eat what momma serves! hee hee just being silly, but you guys get my drift, I'm not easily offended ;) So back to those DVD's from the Bi*chez! They hardcore?! melt my tummy fat?!!:happy:
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I've read it. Even if you have no interest in veganism (I sure don't) it's still interesting to read other perspectives. I'm a big fan of reading as much as I can and then drawing my own conclusions. Its an easy quick read. If you have a Half Price Bookstore I'd check there. I bet you can get it for half price absolute max.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I read it. It did have some helpful things in there about artificial sweeteners and pesticides and stuff... but I pretty much felt like the book was a giant plug for Veganism.

    Couldn't agree more. Funny read, I love thier WORK OUT DVD's I laugh my butt off with them ... I'd say check out their DVD's...

    I got a lot of education on Aspertame etc, which I have tried to nil out of my died, but I'm a meat eater, I love eggs, milk, cheese .. steak ... all in moderation but they were pushin' veganism hardcore

    UUUuuuu!!! DVD's!? do tell! =D

    Skinny ***** Bootcamp sooooo funny - I might have a copy I can give you, email me your post address if you want ...


    Might take me a bit though cuz I lent it to a friend, but I'm onto P90X etc, so I don't really need this DVD anymore
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    I've read it. Even if you have no interest in veganism (I sure don't) it's still interesting to read other perspectives. I'm a big fan of reading as much as I can and then drawing my own conclusions. Its an easy quick read. If you have a Half Price Bookstore I'd check there. I bet you can get it for half price absolute max.

    THANKS, Your right, I should still take a look at the book, I'm going to swing by the Barnes and Noble anyways, so why not :bigsmile:
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    I'd actually advise "library" for looking it over, reading it once. I enjoy reading other people's perspectives. However, when framed in "If you don't believe us, well, you'll DIE!!!" it just gets old, and I find I get irritated bout it - there's very little "here is our science, here is our data, this is what we read" and a lot of anecdotal evidence, and the whole thing is couched in "If you don't think our way is the best.... well, you SHOULD!"
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    I haven't read it, but I am reading 'The China Study' by Dr. Colin Campbell right now, and it is thoroughly researched (for literally years), factual, not at all faddish, and very enlightening about what animal protein of any kind does to our bodies. I have had issues with meat for years, haven't eaten ground beef since 1997 unless it was from a roast that I ground myself and that only very rarely, and limited red meat at all in the past 10 years, but the information contained in this book has me re-thinking my entire approach to my diet concerning ALL animal protein. I've already decided to give meat up for good, and I'm only a third of the way through the book! The animal-protein/disease connection is just too well documented (although not receiving a lot of mainstream attention, surprise surprise) for me personally to ignore it any longer.

    Hmmmm this sounds super interesting! I am going to check it out. I hope it's on iBooks :)

    It is, that's where I got it. :) Have it on my IPad and it's been my nightly read all week.
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    I liked Skinny* though I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian and not vegan. They did loose me at the wine part though ;)