Using the Force!

Hiya! I am new as the group implies. I live and grew up in Iowa. I'm orginally from the sticks! LOVE IT! Throught some complicated turn of events, I put on some weight. I have lived with it for almost 10 years, but NOT ANYMORE! I have decided to give up on FAD diets and go to good old healthy eating and exercising. My boyfriend and I are doing this together. We help to keep each other motivated and honest. We both have an array of health problems on both sides of our families. Weight doesn't much assisit in the cure so much as the cause. We aren't here to get rail skinny because that is unrealistic. We have both agreed on about 2-3 pants sizes would be plenty. We also are wanting to do a Super Sweet 100 Wedding. We are going to lose a combined 100lbs and shock our families when they see how healthy and fit we are. We are in college to become high school teachers. I am going for Math/Science and my boyfriend is English. We love biking, walking, weight training, swimming, and of course Star Wars >_< Between going to school and working, it is rather difficult to stay motivated but we help each other along. Also getting to read the posts of many people on here all trying for the same goal is rather inspiring. I love feeling that there is a group goal among the individual ones. Keep posting people! I love the blogs and the random tips and tid-bits! So I suppose that is me. I guess I'll give my one tid-bit too. My secret is good cheating. Sometimes the cravings are too much! My boyfriend and I will share a candy bar, especially Dark Chocolate, or get a small or child ice cream. Just something! It makes it less like a diet and more like just living healthy.