Will I have Extra Skin?!?



  • From what I've seen in others who have lost weight, there will be extra skin. But, it's not really noticeable under clothes, and they still looked fantastic! Losing weight slowly (2 lbs per week) and toning could help with that extra skin.

    You are doing a wonderful job and doing what's best for your health, and I for one, am proud of you. Extra skin or not, you are going to look great and feel better.
  • Butrfli
    Butrfli Posts: 50
    From what I've been told over the years...slow weight loss is the key!!! Your skin will have time to readjust and shrink over time. I've heard that people who lose a lot of weight quickly are the ones who have a lot of extra skin. I think age has something to do with it too. As you get older, you lose the skin elasticity you had when you were younger so it makes it harder. I'm 45 and I have 70-80 lbs I want to lose and I'm not afraid of extra skin bc I really don't think I'll have any. Being successful with my weightloss is my concern right now, not the extra skin when it's all said and done. Be sure to do toning exercises too! Hope this helps! Have a great eating day and stay on track girly! You'll be much happier with yourself afterwards. Don't let negative talk get in your way or hinder your wants and abilities!!! :)
  • CindiJ
    CindiJ Posts: 20
    If you are eating healthy (the right food, not just reduced calories) and working out during your weight loss (cardio and weight training), your skin should "shrink" with you. You've had children, so be realistic in your expectations, but the fear of extra skin shouldn't keep you from striving for a healthy weight and fit body.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    It's difficult to say. I have seen people who have lost lots of weight and have no extra skin or blemishes on them what so ever. As for me....
    I was around 115 lbs when I got pregnant. Between then and my two pregnancies I went up to 167 pounds. In the past six months I've lost 46 and am down to 121 pounds. Here are some things I had noticed:

    1.) I had REALLY BAD stretchmarks BEFORE I lost the weight. I use Palmer's stretchmark oil (not the lotion) every day. My stretchmarks are better / less noticeable NOW at 121 than they were at 167. Hard to say if its from losing weight, the oil, or both. Tanning also seems to help fade the stretch marks.

    2.) I had a baby poochy BEFORE I lost weight. At 121 it isn't as bad, but I still have a flap of skin/fat that sags a little over top of my appendix scar (similar to c-section scar). I haven't lost hope, yet, that just a few more pounds or a few more crunches will fix this, but it may not.

    3.) When I lose 2 pounds in a week, my skin on my stomach looks saggy (deflated, wrinkly, sunk in) for a few a days. It seems that the skin takes a few days to catch up to the fat loss. If I lose 1 pound in a week, I don't have this problem. It's not enough of a problem (to me) to only want to lose 1 pound a week... unless I'm going to the beach or something that week. I can see how it would be a MAJOR problem for someone who loses 5 pounds a week (think gastric bypass or whatever). I'm sure it takes longer to catch up. But it DOES seem to catch up.

    Well, those are my experiences over the past 6 months. I hope this helps. :)
  • TruckerChick
    TruckerChick Posts: 263
    Here is what a doctor told me: If your stomach hangs over and you have an "apron" more than likely you will have lose skin. If your stomach sticks out with very little hanging, then you won't have extra skin... you'll be able to exercise the skin back. The overlapping (or Dunlap) belly means you've lost elasticity and you cannot regain that... that's what causes hanging skin.

    Make sense??
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Well, your relatively young, so that's on your side...but unfortunately, there's just no guarantees either way. There are things you can do to minimize it (lose at a slow place, workout and lift weights, eat a well balanced diet with all the vitamins you need, drink lots of water) but a lot of that has to do genetics too, some people just have more resilient skin than others.

    My advice is to do the best you can with the things I mentioned above and don't worry about the rest. Your health is more important then your boobs hanging a little lower then they used to.

    With a weight loss of 65lbs, even if you do have some sag, it won't be anything too outrageous. That's how much I lost and I'll be honest, my skin is NOT what it used to be, but it's not horrible either. It may shrink back within a years time or it may not.....but if it doesn't, I can live with it. I feel way better then when I was a chuncky monkey. You are 5 years younger then me so I imagine your skin will bounce back better then mine.

    As far as your boyfriend goes, the only think I can come up with is that he is jealous. Either jealous of the attention you may get when you lose the weight or jealous of your motivation to be healthier. Is he overweight?
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    I do not know the answer on extra skin.

    But, I have to ask, not for myself but for you:

    If he can not be more supportive of something that is important to you, is he really someone you want to marry?

    Don't settle! My partner is SO amazingly supportive of anything I care about doing.


    Trust me I think about this time and time again!! I just don't think he "gets" it!!
  • busmirna
    busmirna Posts: 2
    I totally agree with daddyssunshyne, even though your partner was probably telling you the truth. He should support you no matter what. It is such an amazing feeling when your partner starts noticing the little changes as you are losing weight. Their compliments help a lot. Just curious…. Is he overweight too?
    Anyway, you shouldn’t even worry about the extra skin right now. But I do suggest that along with cardio, you do some weight lifting to firm and tone up to avoid a little bit of extra skin.

    Remember something…Do it for yourself this time, focus on your goal if it’s what will make you happy and in the long it will make your kids happy too because you will live longer to see them grow and succeed in life.
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey hun, I've lost 24lbs so far, I have stretch marks and saggy belly-skin still on my lower abdomen from my LO (she's 7 months now) but even though it's still a bit flabby and jellified, and the stretch marks are still there, it looks SOOO SO much better since I've lost weight. Look at my pics to see for yourself. Yeah, it'll probably never be as perfect as hers, but it'll be lots better and you'll feel better about yourself. It's definitely still worth it... You might have a bit of extra skin but it won't be like...a pouch or anything, prob just slightly flabby, but still an improvement! !Like I say my LO is only 7 months so for all I know it might go completely eventually! Wouldn't surprise me the improvement I've had already. Plus you can't even see your belly when you're wearing clothes, so it's deffo worth it! Plus, you'll be healthier!

    Stretch marks however...those bee-atches are there forever :(:(

    YOUR RIGHT!!! STRETCH MARKS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    If you're exercising you shouldn't have "extra skin". The C-Section might mean that you'll have a little "tummy" after all of this. (I had a C Section and can't get rid of that area for the life of me, but it is going down.)
    Secondly, what a total BOOB your boyfriend is for pointing that out to you. Men are idiots and insecure boys who don't want their partner to change because it means they might have to change too.
    Don't let one moron's comment sabotage your efforts. Do this for YOU.. for the health benefits of losing weight and for your children who'll need their mom around.

    hahaha I <3 this! Men are IDOTS!!! and for sure wayyyy insecure!! I think he is afraid of the attention I may get after I lose weight and that I will leave him. NO matter how many times I say that's not how it will happen he doesn't believe me!
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    Here is what a doctor told me: If your stomach hangs over and you have an "apron" more than likely you will have lose skin. If your stomach sticks out with very little hanging, then you won't have extra skin... you'll be able to exercise the skin back. The overlapping (or Dunlap) belly means you've lost elasticity and you cannot regain that... that's what causes hanging skin.

    Make sense??

    YES this does make sense!! I actually think my stomach is border line this, I am starting to get some overlapping on the sides :(
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Here's my take:

    I'd rather be thin with extra skin than fat with extra skin.

    Ladies, don't fret the stretch marks, especially if you have had children. I look at my wife's stretch marks with awe, admiration, and love!

    Plus I get a little evil grin thinking, "I did that!" :)
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice and input!! I appreciate it!! Your all right! I am going to lose this weight for me no matter what and I guess if I am going to have extra skin then I am going to have extra skin, it is what it is and I can only blame myself for letting it get this way. I am going to have a talk with Mr. P and see what his deal is. I am pretty sure he is afraid that I will get skinny, get more attention and then leave him. I only know this because in the past he has made the comment. I have tried to reassure him that this is not the case but he doesn't listen. It's so frustrating that I can't talk to him about MFP thank god I have all of you guys!!! Thanks again and WE GOT THIS :)
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    Screw that !!! you only have about 60lbs to lose, your stomach can
    snap back I have lost 60lbs and can now rock a bikini even tho i still have
    about 20-25 lbs to go !! and I'm 20 yrs older than you !!!
    Let him be your biggest motivator get mad girl and show him what you can do !!
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    Here's my take:

    I'd rather be thin with extra skin than fat with extra skin.

    Ladies, don't fret the stretch marks, especially if you have had children. I look at my wife's stretch marks with awe, admiration, and love!

    Plus I get a little evil grin thinking, "I did that!" :)

    You should probably be careful posting that last line!!! You might get some evil messages back lol
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    WE GOT THIS :)

    Hellsyeah! Keep up the good work girlie!
  • strohst
    strohst Posts: 146 Member
    Well I'm 26 and I've had 2 kids , when i got pregnant with my first i only weighed 110lbs.. I GAINED 100 LBS!!!! Then when I had her I lost a lot of my belly right away and I got a belly that now hangs ! It sucks more than anything! I lost a lot of weight and almost lost my ugly belly, however I ended up getting pregnant with my son and now he is 7 months old and I have my ugly belly back :( .... It's tough that is for sure , but I have been losing weight and I can see that it's starting to go down... I guess time will tell but just know that you are not alone!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Aww hun sorry about you BF not being supportive. All I can say is that after I lost my first stone, my BF got on board with me and he's been working out and dieting a bit with me....so we're both going to be a gorgy couple one of these days! He even does one of my workout dvds, 30 day shred! So maybe he'll be the same...maybe there's an activity you can do together?

    As for those stretchmarks, silderm has really been working for me, but could be coincidence cuz I've been losing weight and toning at the same time!

    Go for it girl, it'll all be worth it! Do it to be healthy and to feel good about yourself

    Gonna add you as a friend if that's okay and keep you positive if your BF or anything else gets you down!!
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    Aww hun sorry about you BF not being supportive. All I can say is that after I lost my first stone, my BF got on board with me and he's been working out and dieting a bit with me....so we're both going to be a gorgy couple one of these days! He even does one of my workout dvds, 30 day shred! So maybe he'll be the same...maybe there's an activity you can do together?

    As for those stretchmarks, silderm has really been working for me, but could be coincidence cuz I've been losing weight and toning at the same time!

    Go for it girl, it'll all be worth it! Do it to be healthy and to feel good about yourself

    Gonna add you as a friend if that's okay and keep you positive if your BF or anything else gets you down!!

    Thanks!!!!! Geezz seems like everyone is doing that 30 Day Shred! I might need to look into it lol thanks for the support!! I look forward to getting more from you cause I am sure I am going to need it. :)
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member

    Thanks!!!!! Geezz seems like everyone is doing that 30 Day Shred! I might need to look into it lol thanks for the support!! I look forward to getting more from you cause I am sure I am going to need it. :)

    It is dead good, I got it because everyone else was doing it, don't regret it it's a really quick, intense workout. I do it every day and then try to do another workout/exercise on top 3 days a week. It hurts but it works!
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