Transitioning From Weight Loss To Maintenence

Hey fellow MFPers,

It's been a long time coming, but I'm finally, almost, just about there ;)

As you transitioned from weight loss to maintenance, how long did it take you to get things right?

I'm not sure what I'll do with the extra allotted daily calories that are soon to come my way.

Did you cut back a little on your workouts, or stay the same?

I've been eating around 1,600 calories plus most exercise calories for so long and will soon have an additional 400-500 calories a day to take in, most days right now I have very little hunger issues, I just hope that I don't have to stuff myself in order to get my calories in.

Did you add anything in particular to your meals that you may have been cutting out while in the weight loss phase?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


  • wldlndfirefghtr
    wldlndfirefghtr Posts: 5 Member
    Nice work on the weight loss goal!! Feels great doesn't it! Once I kind of got down to my goal, I felt I had a pretty good idea on how to eyeball portions. So I kept mostly on with my meal planning and occasionally track my calories. What I do now is my weekly weigh in and log it on mfp, and if I hit a certain weight, say 5 to 8 lbs above my maintenance weight, I start tracking my calories for a week or two. Even if I am at (or under my maintenance calories) a again I track my calories just to ensure I'm not going back to large portions. There's nothing wrong with occasionally have a large meal, or indulging in some sweets. I just make sure it's like once a week, and make sure I keep up in being active, even if that means that day or the next you have to go for that extra run, hike, walk, or bike ride.

    I’ve now been reading up on weight lifting and weight lifting nutrition and I have been hitting the gym (when work allows) 3 times a week. I have “gained” back about 10lbs, but my body fat % hasn’t changed. So it’s not all about the scale. As long as your happy on how you look in the mirror, and happy about the progress that you have done, then that’s over half the battle (I believe), the rest is just making sure you don’t fall back to bad habits and continue to improve if you so wish to do so.

    Anyways, that’s my 2 cents, but you should be extremely happy about meeting your goal, congratulations and continued good luck!