New and can't cook...please help!



  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    My Problem is that is really hard to cook for just one person and that does not cost a lot of money. I do not mind cooking anything. I honestly enjoy cooking for other people. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm trying to plan out a menu to cook food tor the week and freeze the food in small amounts.

    Find recipes for 4 people, cut the recipe in half, freeze the half you don't eat or save it for the next day's lunch?
  • HansTied
    HansTied Posts: 81 Member
    We do alot of chicken, just throw some worstershire and seasonings on it and bake about 30 minutes....with sweet potatoes/brown rice and steamed veggies. Or tacos made with ground turkey, ground turkey meayloaf with shredded carrots, spinach and mushrooms in has tons of recipes...and they give you the nutrition for each of them. We really liked the recipes, and you just have to set up a free account (like on here) to access them. Good luck~!
    Thanks for the tip on recipes. I moved into a travel trailer, nearer to family because of health reasons. And I have so little room to cook now. I found some great recipes that I can use in a slow-cooker (crockpot). This would be a great way for someone not too active in the kitchen to prepare meals also.