Help please


I'm 21, but very small. I'm five feet and about 110 pounds.I go to the gym about 3 times a week, sometimes more when I have time.When I get to the gym I go on the treadmill and stay on for 30 or sometimes more.. And i also do other things too while i'm there, i just go on the treadmill first. but the thing is i can't get myself to run for a very long time not even 2 mins.. and i know if you run on the treadmill theres a better chance for losing the tummy..? I need some tips on how i could lose the tummy without running or slowly begin to run. Does the incline have anything to do with shaping the stomach area? Please help!!


  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Localised fat burning is yet another weight loss myth and could only be achieved through manipulation of hormones.

    There are lots of beginner running programs online to get you started. Most alternate a few mins jogging with a few mins walking and gradually increase the percentage of running.
  • BigBadVooDooBob
    Running for two minutes at a time is fine. The latest research out there shows that interval training is very beneficial, so run for a minute or two, walk fast for 5 minutes, then walk at a normal pace and then run for another minute or two. It's all good for you. My aerobic exercise of choice is riding a bike, but once winter hits the western NY weather isn't good for that, so I'll be on the treadmill doing just what i described above. Are there stationary bikes & ellipticals at your gym?
  • 46and2
    46and2 Posts: 167
    I have found running outside is easier for some reason. I can usually go 3-4 miles before I feel like dying rather than the 2 max on the treadmill. As mentioned previously, localized fat burn is impossible so try switching up your cardio. Stationary bikes or stairs can be a great kicker if you're stuck doing cardio inside.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Oh yeah, and beginner runner ALWAYS start off too fast. It might be as simple as setting it slower say, 6.5 to 7kph (4 to 4.5mph) and trying that.