Stressed, and Need Motivation

I've been dealing with kittens, and you all know how stressful it can be sometimes. I lost two kittens the day before yesterday, and now I think another one is on the verge. It's all very stressful, and I've been eating severely unhealthy. I need to find some motivation to work out, and eat better. It's hard because I'm stressed, and on top of that no one else in the household is really trying to keep me motivated. The temptation of fast food my mom brings home all the time is getting harder to resist.

Would it help for me to plan out my meals the day before, that way I can stay focused on eating healthy? I really need some motivation. I bough Zumba online the other day, so I'm waiting for that to show up. Other than that though I really need some help. I am so sick of my weight, and none of my clothes fit me anymore. Any advice?


  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I'm sorry to hear you're so stressed! I find that the best way for me to work with stress and stay fit is to PLAN.

    Find the best time of day for you to exercise and do so and try to plan out your meals/snacks as best as you possibly can. Pre-populating your diary can help too.

    Good luck!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Oh my dear, I’m sorry to hear about the kitties. Many of us can relate to stress eating, and to not have a strong support system is like a thorn in the side. I definitely think it’s a good idea to plan your meals ahead, but you should have a serious heart-to-heart with your mom about what she’s bringing into the house. If you don’t have the support at home, seek it out in your local area, and definitely stay connected here. I go to overeaters anonymous meetings to help me through food compulsions. I’m sending hugs your way. I have a daughter your age (slightly older) and if she came to me with this problem, I would spring into action!!

    If you need to talk live, please friend me and we can connect.
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    If you can't afford to get the kittens the help they need, get on the phone and start calling vets until you find someone who will take them.

    Planning your meals should help, another thing that would help is to get mom on the band wagon with you. Does she know you are trying to lose? If you are requesting fast food, STOP! Its up to you to say NO. Stop waiting for the people in your household to motivate you and find motivation elsewhere.

    Here are a few things that helped me... "You get what you think about, whether you want it or not. Commit to thinking about what you want, rather than how impossible or difficult that dream may seem." ~~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Being in Balance

    -- "Whether you think you can or can't, you're right." ~~Henry Ford

    --- "Winners are determined and focused and they can never lose because they always believe in what they are doing. They bounce back and keep on going whatever obstacles they encounter." ~~Lynda Field, Weekend Life Coach

    "If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." ~~Dale Carnegie

    "In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can." ~~Michael Korda

    "It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up." ~~Vince Lombardi

    and all of that came from this site. The people in my household don't motivate me either. They bring me bowls of ice cream, brownies, chips... I tell them NO! They don't stop, but I keep saying no.

    Getting out of the house for a walk might help relieve stress. I don't know what online Zumba cost, but it would be even better if you could go to a class outside your home and be with others who are also trying to get in shape. Don't wait for it to show up... there is so much more you could be doing. Again... it's all up to you.
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    for me, stress is fuel for exercise! I work out much harder when Ive got a lot on my mind...and being a mom( and a homeschool mom, at that) the stress is plentiful! Just get up and do it. Its the only way. The motivation is great from others but it has to start from within! Mine comes from my relationship with God. I do it as if Im doing it for his glory.

    Yes, plan your meals in advance so you have the healthy things in the house and are more likely to choose them over the bad stuff, which will in turn stress you even more! Blessings on your new lifestyle!
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    What works for me, is to map out my meals - at a minimum Breakfast and Lunch (Dinner for us mid-Westerners). Then, based upon any snacks - I can budge my Supper (Dinner for you heathens :-D) with the leftover calories. Am I getting a bag of popcorn before bed? How about a bowl of cereal?

    So, plan your meals. We are both large (I was at 302, now 281) - and we got big by a lack of self-control. We can't blame anyone, but ourselves. I didn't have a clue as to how many calories a day my body needed, if you don't know how many you need, how can you know what number is excess? So, I ate whatever, whenever and as much as I could stuff. Having a full belly feels good.

    Well, sooner or later; the bill is going to come due. You can look for excuses, you can delay it; but I suggest you do your best to stick with it. If your Mom is bringing you junk food - BRUTAL honesty is called for. Strip down to your skivvies; call you Mom into the bedroom and say "Well Mom; how do I look? Think I could stand to lose a few pounds?" Then, this can be followed by a frank, and brutallh honest "Then why the ?&*#$#$ are you trying to sabotage me? Do you think I LIKE looking like this? Do you think this is healthy? Do you think this crushes my self-esteem?"

    Some people lack the sense to recognize and respect the decisiosn of another. Brutal honesty usually works - by forcing them to acknowledge their errors.

    Kittens die; some of them have digestive issues, where their stomachs are not yet fully developed enough to handle eating food. The mother cat's reproductive system said that a majority of them were ready - and as a whole - most of the kittens should do all right. I grew up on a farm, any litter bearing creature will have a certain number of non-viable babies. It's heartbreaking - but it's just the way nature works. Perhaps it's a heart condition, perhaps is an inability to digest, perhaps it's a failing liver/kidney. They are no longer on Mom's life-support system. There is nothing you can do, but to be compassionate, kind and caring - help the one's you can, and humanely dispose of those you can't.

    But, at the end of the day - YOU are responsble for YOU. Being here is the biggest step - you've decided to confront you weight. Now, you just have to stand up tall, say "I WILL do this", then do it. Or, as I tell my wife "Put on the Big-Girl panties, and buck up" (that always gets a response, sometimes those responses leave a mark). :-)
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    So sorry to hear about the kittens! I have hand raised my fair share of bottle babies- and from one kitty mom to another, we know going in that these little babies are on borrowed time. I hope the rest of your litter makes it.

    One thing in your post that stood out is that no one is motivating you. I find that being my own bestfriend works alot better than depending on someone else. Make notes and stick them where you can see them. On your phone, on your mirror-- anywhere!

    Good luck! You can do this!
  • mcneesbit65
    Thanks everyone for the help and advice. (: Reading all your posts has definitely made me feel better. :smile: I will take all your advice, and I am right now trying to get my mom in with me. She's bigger than I am, and I tell her that she needs to try this. She needs to get on MFP and see all the cool people like you guys lol. Thanks for all the help!