Anyone Tried Sensa???

If so, can anyone tell me everything they know about it. Such as your results, did it help you, does it really work, etc? If any of you guys could answer me it would be much appreciated. Thanks!!!


  • Little_Lisa_Ann
    I haven't tried it, but a girl at work uses it, and has been for about 5 months now. She's lost 33 pounds so far. She finds that she eats healthier/smarter, but she says she finds that it gets a little tougher at the end of a month when she starts getting low on the stuff. She struggled with it for the first month or so, but looks great now and loves it. Hope this helps.
  • karamae
    karamae Posts: 136 Member
    My boyfriends sister did it and lost a lot of weight, but I have to be honest, I wasn't impressed. She ate nothing but powdered eggs and shakes. In my opinion, it's not healthy at all to limit yourself to 700 cals/day. When you transition to real life, your body will just gain the weight back. I think you're better off using this website (FREE!!!) and doing it the healthy. way. Either way, good luck!