Sunburn is getting worse it seems..Help!!

Hey guys. I am putting this in this category because this sunburn is preventing me from working out properly.

Last Saturday I got a sunburn on my stomach. The worst part of it is right below where my top ends and my tummy starts. (A few inches above my belly button.) It was healing okay I thought until I started exercising and sweating. The sweat and heat I think irritated the burn and it began to start peeling. I tried really hard not to peel it but it was gross so I peeled the first little bit and then left it alone. Now today the other part of it started peeling too (it looked/felt kind of like a blister...not like a dry flaky peel). Now the skin is all raw and dry feeling.

I don't want permanent scars on my stomach...especially since I am finally comfortable showing it! How do I keep my sunburn from scarring?? The one I peeled a few days ago almost looks/feels like a scab but not as bad as that...

What do I put on this? lotion? Aloe? Vitamin E?

Please please PLEASE help!!! I can't do crunches... :frown: And when I do cardio and get sweaty it gets irritated from my sports bra.


P.S. I WORE SUNBLOCK! I am just REALLY fair skinned! :ohwell:


  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I use cocoa butter. Works on everything! Gotta rub it on a lot though. At least twice a day.
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Aloe.......if you put lotion in it it may burn cause most lotion has perfume in it......Aloe is for burns
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Aloe. Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of Aloe.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I think I saw at the store by the sunblock something for after you burn Its a clear tube with green lotion in it and it stated it had aloe I think its suppose to sooth your burn sorry I didnt buy it since I dont burn easy but that is all I can remember. Hope you can find comfort soon.

    Just found it on google its from Banana Boat and its Aloe after sun gel.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    I'm super pale and prone to sunburn too. My guess is your sweat is drying the skin out too much. Keep it moisturized with aloe and unscented lotion. Hope you're feeling better soon.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    You probably won't scar, just have an uneven tan line for a bit. Just keep it moisturized. As long as you aren't pulling any skin except the flaking skin, you won't scar.
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    I have heard that soaked tea bags applied to sunburn works. Apply them, let tea dry on skin and repeat as much as possible.

    I burn rarely and am tan the next day, but my mom burns badly and her doctor told her to use vitamin E cream on her bad burns.

    Good luck!
  • twitbffl
    twitbffl Posts: 24
    Cocoa butter, definitely. It will stop scarring from happening and help with the irritation/dryness. Good luck!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Aquafor! I swear this is a miracle. I burned my arm dropping ground beef into hot oil, the skin was burned and peeled off after a couple of days and the skin under was bright pink. I thought for sure I would have a scar but I don't
    use aquafor healing ointment and cover it if you can so it doesn't get rubbed off or more irritated. This was the advice of my friend and she is educated in wound care. You can apply ice if it still hurts.
    Sounds painful, so treat the skin nicely and don't irritate it with sports bras. Hope it gets to feeling better!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Unless you have 4th degree burns, you shouldn't scar. Keep it moisturized with a scent free lotion and eventually, while you may have odd tans lines, you should be OK. If you are really concerned, see your physician or a dermatologist.
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    The weird thing is that is wasn't a flaky was kind of like a blistery (sorry this is gross!) wet kind of peel...the skin that came off was moist. Ick ick ick...

    I couldn't resist peeling it. It was itching so bad and was irritating .... ugh I hope I can find something that works!
  • abbysmommy1
    abbysmommy1 Posts: 48 Member
    I've had more than my share of sunburns, and I know how miserable you must be!! I've found that soaking a tea bag and rubbing it over the burn helps TONS. The tea soothes the burn and helps to keep it from peeling. Maybe I'm just odd, but Aloe never seemed to provide as much relief for me as the tea bags do.

    You could also try spraying on some solarcaine - it contains a pain reliever (lidocaine - the same stuff that you get from the dentist before they do a filling) that numbs the area.

    Hope this helps :)
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I would probably put some aloe on it and covert it with gauze while you workout. The gauze will help soak up extra sweat around it and keep it off of the sunburn. You may also be experiencing some "shirt rub" if you are running on it and gauze will stop that.
  • FemmeAndi
    FemmeAndi Posts: 107 Member
    ALOE VERA ALOE VERA ALOE VERA!!! Ohhhh how that stuff feels sooooooo good on a sunburn. Make sure you skin isn't blistering though. If it is, you are going to have to tough it out and make sure no clothing rubs against it.
    ALso you can buy a topical spray called Solarcaine at the pharmacy to spray on. That its specifically made for sunburns but they say not to use it on blistered skin.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Vinegar. Stinks but works.
  • abbysmommy1
    abbysmommy1 Posts: 48 Member
    Aquafor! I swear this is a miracle. I burned my arm dropping ground beef into hot oil, the skin was burned and peeled off after a couple of days and the skin under was bright pink. I thought for sure I would have a scar but I don't
    use aquafor healing ointment and cover it if you can so it doesn't get rubbed off or more irritated. This was the advice of my friend and she is educated in wound care. You can apply ice if it still hurts.
    Sounds painful, so treat the skin nicely and don't irritate it with sports bras. Hope it gets to feeling better!

    Aquaphor? I might have to try that next time I burn. I always have it around for other things. I would have thought it would hold in the heat and make the burn worse because it's like vaseline in texture.
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    ALOE VERA ALOE VERA ALOE VERA!!! Ohhhh how that stuff feels sooooooo good on a sunburn. Make sure you skin isn't blistering though. If it is, you are going to have to tough it out and make sure no clothing rubs against it.
    ALso you can buy a topical spray called Solarcaine at the pharmacy to spray on. That its specifically made for sunburns but they say not to use it on blistered skin.

    I used a ton of Aloe the first few days...but it is definitely blistering now.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    Cut a potato and place it on your burns. It wil calm your skin. Aloe is also great to treat burns. For the pain, you can go to your pharmacy and get Solarcaine in spray.

    Sunburns are a buzz kill! Hope you get well soon.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Also, I would just stop working out for a couple days. The sweat is REALLY not going to help and that's how you're getting the "most blisters". The sweat is getting trapped under those bubbles. It's gross, I know. I had a bad sunburn a few weeks ago. D:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ALOE VERA ALOE VERA ALOE VERA!!! Ohhhh how that stuff feels sooooooo good on a sunburn. Make sure you skin isn't blistering though. If it is, you are going to have to tough it out and make sure no clothing rubs against it.
    ALso you can buy a topical spray called Solarcaine at the pharmacy to spray on. That its specifically made for sunburns but they say not to use it on blistered skin.
    It already blistered. Lidocaine might make it feel better but I just learned that it actually prevents healing because it interrupts the healing process.
    I really think you should treat it with the aquafor and don't work out for a weak while it heals. Ice it and keep it cool and covered.