Why do you overeat?



  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    When I was depressed sometimes it was a form of self harm like cutting or anything like that. I wanted to be so full it hurt.

    Less extreme, stress. Or sometimes I just get so dang hungry waiting too long before eating on a hard work day that I overdo it then.
  • g0tta_lose_it
    There is no reason for my over eating other than pure greed. It's not linked to my emotions at all - I don't comfort eat or eat out of boredom. I just eat for the pure sake of it. When I'm at uni, I eat pretty well because I don't have much food in the house. When I'm at home, I will eat practically 24/7 just because my parents have so much food in the house and I want it. I'm working on my will power (or lack thereof) so that when I go home for the summer, I can resist eating everything in sight!

    I just wanted to say that I'm pretty much the same! It's usually a combo of no willpower and boredom and greed. I'm trying to work on willpower too, especially by summer! Sometiems what helps is keeping yourself away from the food, I know that sounds obvious, but it helps... Like if you're home stay out of the kitchen and focus on doing other things, especially when it's warmer you can go outside and walk or hang out with friends or something. Good luck!
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Boredom, happiness, sadness and because I was trained to reward myself and show others affection with food.
  • becben83
    becben83 Posts: 3 Member
    I've had way too many "last meals" before I start some new crazy diet or exercize routine. Every time I think, ok, just this one last bad meal and then starting tomorrow I'll be good.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    I love food...and it's habit to eat.

    It's like no other addiction...if you are a smoker you can quit, if you are an alcoholic, you quit, if you are a drug addict, you stop.

    With food, you can't just quit. You have to cut back...I think knowing where to 'cut back' to and staying there is the hardest part.
  • DaphneSW
    DaphneSW Posts: 117 Member
    I just love food, and also my lack of self control at times :/
    sometimes i even go overboard by 300+ calories in a day which i feel crap about, but what's done is done.
    I just have to slowly change I guess.
  • cleavagefurrow
    cleavagefurrow Posts: 47 Member
    Because it tastes soooo goooood!! Mmmmmmmmm!! I loooove the taste of certain foods so much that I keep wanting more and more. :(
  • zumba89
    zumba89 Posts: 82
    Pasta, pasta,and more pasta is why i overeat.
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    I actually eat more when I'm happy and content with myself. When I'm upset or stressed I can go all day without food.
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    Me too...anxiety gets me every time I fall off the wagon! Stupid stupid anxiety!!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Good topic...for me, boredom, stress, depression, frustration and it all tripled when I quit smoking