Why bother when I just get slated?



  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Hahahaha the comment by the other guy says it all, short and sweet. Seriously though, yes I have had this. The family member concerned wasn't that popular, and had kids that were running rings around them. My assumption - she needed something to make themselves feel better about themselves. Her kids were running wild, taking drugs, disappearing for days on end...her relationship was a bit of a sham, she couldn't make her mortgage payments....but the all important news for her? She was a UK size 6. I tell you what love, I'll keep my life, and my clothes size - and you keep yours!! Wonder if your little treasure has similar issues, and feels the need to point out the weight thing to prove also that they are able to keep control of one single element of their life - their trouser size. I found my relative pretty transparent - I hope you can re-assess here, as the only people who behave like this are either a) vile and evil b) control freaks with an out of control life or c) autistic and don't understand the effect their comments are having on those around you. Only c) is acceptable! The way I dealt with it was to thank her kindly for her support at every occasion she made a snidey remark - give it 5 minutes and then go into an in-depth conversation about 'something I'd read in a magazine about low BMI and poor bone density....the dangers of heart muscle wastage and anorexia, teeth rot in bulimics"...and then ask nicely if anyone would like a bit of cake...back at you Sister!!!

    Good luck gorgeous, you don't need that idiots support to succeed :-) xx
  • danibee79
    danibee79 Posts: 144 Member
    Oh its your nan....in that case its just be side she's old!! I Think there's something written on the back of their bus pass that says as soon as your an oap you can speak your mind and get away with it!! I'm sure not all oaps are that bad (but the ones I know are!)
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    prove them wrong
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 507 Member
    I'm usually very safe about what I say on here... but I think you need to kick your Nan in the balls. :wink:
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Ok,so Im at a family member's this week,so all my healthy living is kinda out the window. But what doesnt help is that the family member makes jibes about my weight. A few examples were today,when they asked was it a maternity top I was wearing,and when I went to get something for them from a friend of theirs they asked did their friend say I was nice and fat?!?!? Dont get me wrong,people DO say Im losing weight and getting my shape back,but this particular family member who I love dearly is just bringing my confidence right down,not only with slagging my weight but also my appearance as a whole. Has anyone else been through this and how do I tackle the family member?

    Hurting people, hurt people. So pity is the way to go. She needs your pity. She is damaged and can't see straight to be kind. So you be kind for her. Show her a better way to behave. Say something like, "I am so sorry that you think that comment is helpful."
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    I am so confused. WHY, exactly, do you love this family member dearly??

    Oops just saw where you said it was your nan. Is it partly her age? Has she gotten to where she doesnt mince words? I've had relatives like that lol
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Thanks everyone. It's my Nan,and I do love her dearly,but her words can cut like a knife. But then my family is pretty reknowned for having sharp tongues lol. xx

    My Gran loves being rude. She figures she's spent 80 years being nice to people, and now she's gonna say what she wants to say! It hurts sometimes, but I treasure her. She brutally honest about everything - sometimes I appreciate it and other times it really does hurt. I know I won't have long left with her, and I admire her strength, but sometimes I just want to grab her and shake her. I completely know where you're coming from!!
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    My grandmother is the same way. My favorites are the double insults. "I haven't seen you in forever-- have you put on a couple pounds?" Thats two in one. 1. You never come see me... 2. You're fat.


    Some people just don't feel good about themselves unless they are slamming someone else. Even old people. Just keep your chin up and remember that at some point- she has to look in the mirror and live with herself! **HUGS**
  • colleen656
    colleen656 Posts: 25
    confront them with the pain they cause before you eat more. always address the feelings, this may be why your diet is out the window this week.:tongue:
  • You deserve better than this even if you weren't losing weight! You need to tell them clearly and loudly that you are working out and losing weight and deserve respect. Explain to him/her that if he/she can't say nice, supportive things than not to talk to you.

    I mean you can start off by telling them you love them and respect them, but you deserve respect and support!

    You can friend request me:)
  • mialsya
    mialsya Posts: 188 Member
    This is why I stopped hanging out with my family.

    Well, not really, I stopped because they're all insane.

    But this would be a good reason too.

    Are we related? I think we have the same family...
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