Feeling down about a binge



  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    You know what - you might not even notice that "blimp" on the scale.....the important thing is what you today, and tomorrow an d Sunday..... and the rest of the week.... Our gains (or losses) are the sum of all our days - not just one night at the movies!

    I have been ultra good this week, but have seen the scale swing all over the place (up to 2.5kg swings) and as I have been consistent in my eating it can't be influenced by my eating - I keep on realizing that the body is very complex, and one should not overanalyze the results you see on the scale....

    As you say learn from last night - " bad" muffins are the worst - you eat it and go - now that did not even taste good!
  • rdelonga
    rdelonga Posts: 28 Member
    Boy I feel you pain. I was doing so good for almost 2 months and in the last 2 weeks, I have had a few binges. I have been over
    in my calories almost every day and i need to some how get my head back into it. I do very little excercise because i have a bad knee which I will be getting done in Oct. So my favorite thing walking has been out for a long time now. So I can't make up for any
    calories. But I refuse to give up and I will just keep trying until I get it right.

    This is a life change and you will be fine and you will make a fresh start tomorrow. I will be praying for you.
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    For me, when I mess up occasionally then get back on track, I actually seem to be dropping weight after a few days of eating right. I think it fools my body into burning it up faster, thinking it will have extra again.

    Be kind to yourself. Be as kind to yourself as you would to someone else in the same boat. You are walking in the right direction. Each time you splurge it will be on less and less. As humans we are imperfect and forgiving ourselves is the best way forward.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I eat a HUGE dessert once a week! and refuse to feel bad about it! This is all about a lifestyle and moderation, not deprivation! Don't beat yourself up over enjoying some snacks at the movie. You have two choices, you can either kick some serious butt today, or you can let your emotions kick your butt. I say you go with option #1.
  • sdgrindin
    sdgrindin Posts: 9
    When you say fast, does that mean no food at all?
    Thanks everyone, i'm feeling better... haven't worked out today so will definitely have to do that this arvo
    Yes. I do it once a week from 12pm - 12 pm the following day. Fasting has a ton of health benefits.
  • tnmomof4
    tnmomof4 Posts: 33
    Today is a new day. Let it go and move forward. Whats done is done. We all have an occasional binge here and there. It will all balance out as long as you don't do it everyday. I had my binge on Monday for my daughters birthday and Tuesday I woke up back on track.
  • RosieGB33nz
    When you say fast, does that mean no food at all?
    Thanks everyone, i'm feeling better... haven't worked out today so will definitely have to do that this arvo
    Yes. I do it once a week from 12pm - 12 pm the following day. Fasting has a ton of health benefits.

    Do you get weight loss results from this? Im scared it will bugger up my metabolism and i love food..... its a long time. Can you chew gum or is it water only?
  • sdgrindin
    When you say fast, does that mean no food at all?
    Thanks everyone, i'm feeling better... haven't worked out today so will definitely have to do that this arvo
    Yes. I do it once a week from 12pm - 12 pm the following day. Fasting has a ton of health benefits.

    Do you get weight loss results from this? Im scared it will bugger up my metabolism and i love food..... its a long time. Can you chew gum or is it water only?

    Yes, it's been helping me to get rid of the stubborn belly fat.

    Just go online and do some research on intermittent fasting. There's a lot of info out there.
  • froggirl0321
    It happens...today is a new today ... get back to it ... It is important that you do recognize it when you feel like you let yourself down..that means you are desiring a change...Stay motivated and keep moving forward...