
MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
Just to say HI!!

To make a long story short, I reached my fittest before I got married, and I got pregnant straight away, with a massive massive tummy, now I need to get my shape back. I've always been slightly overweight, reached 59 kilos before the wedding (I've got a heavy bone structure) and I wouldn't mind slim a bit more, but at least I would like to reach to my fittest. A friend of mine recommended me this page, and I'm having a go at it, even though I hate counting calories, this page does the job for me, so I can't complain. :D.

Now I've got a gorgeous baby of 9lb 14oz, so that reduced the weight gained in pregnancy a lot when I finally gave birth, but I still need to lose stone and a half to get my fittest self back. Well.. I hope to make inspiring friendships over here while I stay over here! :D

Good luck to all with your weigh loss, and thanks for reading :D


  • dcbella
    dcbella Posts: 45
    Welcome and congratulations on your bundle of joy!!! :smile:
  • jenblowsbubblez
    jenblowsbubblez Posts: 112 Member
    yes congrats!!! and you'll be able to kick it! everyone always told me you'll be the fittest you have ever been then you'll get married and have kids. I was like noway i'm keeping this bod! LOL,, ugh here came the ring and the bump! lol,, I am totally wanting to get it back as well!!! LETS DO THIS!
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    Thank you very much for the message, somehow I didn't read it, I'm now that I went into my topics, I still don't know how to post blogs here well :D
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member