under calorie goal

im wondering if you can eat too little calories to burn calories if you know what i mean, i know its advised to stay at 1200cals minimum or it can slow your metabolism down but if your working out like never before can this still happen?


  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    Bump. You read my mind. Because of a 60 min workout today, I have 1,091 calories...and dinner is done.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    Even with working out you need to eat 1200 calories a day......just dont eat back your exercise calories....unless you are hungry.......
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    Yes you can the site already works in a deficit, search eating back calories, this is a frequent question, the search results will help :)
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Well I looked at my numbers just now after eating dinner, I keep checking and rechecking to make sure I didn't make a mistake somewhere.. Because it says I've only had barely over 1000 calories for the day, and I'm like almost 1500 under my limit :\ Tack on another 100 for exercising too. I don't know now if I'm meant to find something to eat to make the numbers meet or.. Who would have ever thought I would have this problem LOL
  • nothankscake
    I think you should eat some extra calories from workouts but if you workout a lot it becomes kind of crazy if dinner is over and you have 1000 left. Just eat when you're hungry, be sensible, eat a little bit extra if you exercise lots, and it should be okay. I think this site sometimes overestimates cals burned.