Help! Scale wont move.

Okay so my Ultimate Goal is only 12lbs away but im stuck! I would love to see the scale move 3 or 4 lbs before the end of summer! heck 1 pound would be awesome at this point. So my ultimate question is since I'm so close to my goal weight should I eat back all of my exercise calories every day? I usually do because I love food haha but is it necessary for the last 10 lbs? Obviously it hasnt been working, but I thought maybe I just need to kick up my exercising a bit. Also I am curious about Zig Zagging calories. I've wanted to try it for some time now but not sure about the "rules" of it?


  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    Well, my scale isn't moving either, except when I kick it!

    I'm in my first week of the zig zag or yoyo thing. So its too soon to say how its going. Here is an article that someone led me to.

    Good luck!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Bumping this because I'm in the same boat! Maybe try switching up your excercises, adding more cardio, and only eating about half of your exercise calories.