Only Cardio.. Is it good enough??



  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
  • sue567
    sue567 Posts: 128
    No it's not enough. Increasing muscle mass with increase your metabolism. You must do strength training!

    M just scared i don't wanna get big.. i mean i wanna be skinny nd toned not muscular ..

    Females biological nature will not allow them to be "bulky" without the use of drugs to enhance something. The reason behind this is because women's muscles tend to be longer than mens. This means you will slim up while guys will get bigger. To do an interesting test, measure the length of your bicep and do the same with a male. You should notice that male biceps are shorter which allows us to leverage more weight. This is why men generally can life more than women. However, longer muscles means you expend less energy doing tasks than we do.

    Interesting.. i did a little research on it and yes i figured i was worrying for no reason.. girls cant get big unless they want to...
    it certainly has increased my metabolism .. i guess i try doing
    So if you workout 6 days a week do 3 days of strength and 3 days of cardio. Do them on separate days. You dont need to do cardio 6 days a week.

    Also search for this forum "Relatively light people trying to get leaner" read this will change you!

    Thanks every1:smile: i really appreciate all your suggestions