
hi guys have found that i have come to a bit of a stand still loosing wise. i am trying my hardest but dont seem to be seing any reults.
think i may need new ideas for meals if anyone has any??
i am trying to get out for a run everyday which is good i think!!
only 11 weeks till we go on hols and want to loose at least half a stone if not more!!!!
help please???


  • catecn
    catecn Posts: 84
    if you have time, aim for an extra hr of sleep a night, i know that its not possible for a lot of people, but think about taping tv shows you like, or reading while on an exercise bike and sleep.
    try a week of a raw diet, for most people its not sustanable, no animal products, but it might shock your body into dropping weigh.
    try running intervals, more hills or try running on grass or sand. run with two pound weights
    double your water intake
    add a B vitamin if you arent already taking one

    and good luck :)
  • water is your friend,i've noticed you don't drink any, it really can help
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    No water = No weight loss. Drink it.:drinker:
  • mummyfin
    mummyfin Posts: 29 Member
    am on my 2nd glass of water for the day so fingers crossed this will help :)
  • jandzsmom
    jandzsmom Posts: 14
    I had a friend that broke thru a plateau by eating 100 calories every hour. I found it to be annoying having to stop & eat, but if you planned it out ahead of time, I think you could streamline the process pretty well.