
sabtha89 Posts: 11 Member
Heloooo Everyone :D

im new to MFP and loving it! im a size 18 (14 would be ideal ;) ) atm and have been tryign hard to loose weight the last few years...finally decided taking dieting serious...need all your support :) any tips and advice would be great...

if anyone lives in SW London pleease add me :) would be nice to meet fellow membes :)

Happy Weight Loosing everyone =)


  • CaptainAmerica1970
    HEloooooooo Back!
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi! good luck!
  • kathiehughes
    kathiehughes Posts: 198 Member
    Hello, first of all don't look at this as a DIET, look at it as a lifestyle change. That is the first thing I decided last April (2010) when I started my renewed weightloss journey. Then realize that life has a lot of ups and downs and that eating something unhealthy occassionally will not be the end of all things healthy. Allow yourself once in a while the naughty indulgence that you so often desire and what makes you completely run off the tracks. Realize that this is a journey that you are going to want to live with for the rest of your life, making those kinds of changes are lifelong. Try making small changes one at a time, such as lower your sodium, once you have that mastered, lower your sugar or fat or carbs whatever seems to be your biggest areas of struggle. Remember to always make sure you are drinking at least half your body weight in ounces to hydrate your body properly. And then last but not least start getting regular exercise in, set small goals for yourself, start out walking or swimming things you enjoy doing. Make sure you get some cardio in and strenght training, alternate days if you find it difficult to get both in. Make this part of your lifestyle change, just be sure you are exerting some energy while doing activities and build from there. It has taken me a lifetime of struggles to learn these things for myself and you will realize that altimately it has to come from within you to make this happen, although you can lean on others for support. Good luck in your journey!
  • sabtha89
    sabtha89 Posts: 11 Member
    Many many thanks guys! :)

    Especially katiehughes many thanks for the advice ;-)