thunder thighs HELP

Hello MFP'ers I need help.
I am losing weight, and inches from my chest, hips and waist however I cannot seem to shake anything from my thighs. I am currently doing squats, lunges, leg kicks, the superman, the swim etc Basically a full lower body work out. I am doing this for atleast 30min twice a week. I am not looking for a magic overnight solution (although if you have one that would be nice). What I am wondering is do I need do this more often or do I just need to be more patient?


  • what are you doing for cardio? I also have large thighs and butt. I always always always lose last from my thighs so I know how you feel. I've taken up running a few days a week and that has helped tone my legs tremendously! And I have lost an inch off each thigh in a month and a half. It takes a really long time so just keep at it! It will eventually happen.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    That's going to help tone, but to *shrink* butt and thighs it's all about cardio. Spinning is WONDEFUL for that, and so it running.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I think the thighs are the last place to go on women..... unfortunately. So I think it would be a mix of losing that last pound with cardio & a healthy diet and strength training.............
    Honestly it was the last place to go for me too- and Im still not overly happy there......
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 328 Member
    yes I do a lot of cardio. I walk my dogs everyday for at least 40min and up to 2hours on weekends (weather permiting). Plus I usually work for about 25min during my lunch break at work
  • Are you doing cardio too? Fat burning exercises work wonders, steady but hard uphill walking 30 mins a day at least 3 times a week. If you can do every day so much the better! Just adjust the gradient on the tredmill and grit your teeth or find local hills and march up as many as you can! I don't do much ab work until I have lost the stomach fat as it never looks like anything is changing. I bet your muscles look awesome but if you are carrying a little fat on them all that is hidden. (so sorry to make it sound like you have fat legs but you know what I mean!) Toning is great but it's the fat burn you need.
  • whatshesaid
    whatshesaid Posts: 53 Member
    I have no help for you but I would love to hear the tips also! I have short legs and fat tends to gather on my thighs for a little party that I don't approve of... i hate it. Trust me, short legs look even shorter when they're topped off by chunky old tree trunks :P I hate this!!!!! When i was 11 and eating like a chubby kid I remember my aunt looked at me and said "if you keep eating like that it will all be in your thighs one day" (not a great thing for an aunt to say, i know)..... i feel like the old witch cursed me!!
  • BethlovesRene
    BethlovesRene Posts: 85 Member
    I agree with everyone else, cardio!
  • Sorry! Did not see all the other posts telling you exactly what I just did!! I am new to this..............!!
  • kaitlynnm10
    kaitlynnm10 Posts: 47 Member
    I feel your pain! My thighs are the last thing to go. I have Britney Spears legs. And even at 109 pounds and 5'5" my quads are large. Overall weight loss is key, as is cardio. If I work on my lower body 2 or 3 times a week, I bulk up. I always do lunges instead of squats because squats tend to increase my quad muscles. People will argue with me on this but I am speaking from my own personal experience. I'm not a professional but I've had a leg/thigh complex my entire life. My lower body will shrink if I work it nearly every single day. At least 6 times a week. Resting days help build muscle which is exactly the opposite of what I want. I'm going to get flamed for this but again, I'm speaking from personal experience.

    I also find that eating more protein, less carbs helps. Running is good but I get the same results as I do with diet and other forms of cardio.
  • slybaby
    slybaby Posts: 125
    I hear ya on the thunder thighs issue...I also find at 5'6 that it's the hardest part to loose from:(
    Cardio definitly helps! Chin up!!!
    Best of luck to you:)
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 328 Member
    Thank you to all of for your for your help and advise. I really appreciate it!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    So this is the same problem that most men have with their stomachs. The key is just total body fat reduction. Unfortunately, you can't do spot reduction so you have to increase overall lean muscle mass. This would require both cardio and weight training. Weight training is key as it will increase your lean body mass which will accelerate your metabolism and burn more calories. Hard cardio (where you really get your heart rate up) is important because it burns a lot of calories and will increase the effeciency of your heart pumping blood throughout your system. Walking is good, but keep in mind you will only burn a few hundred calories doing that. Also after 30 days, your body because acustom to it. I would suggest some High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) which is essentially jump training/plyometrics. Eventually, your body will lose in thighs. Just make sure you are eating enough calories to fuel your body.
  • Hi, walking is better than nothing, but you should really try jogging/running or some kind of 'heavier' cardio that involves your legs alot. I too had thunder thighs, but I do lots of taebo and it has helped tremendously. Try adding in some heavier cardio for a month and then retake your measurements. Hope that helps!
  • MysticMoon
    MysticMoon Posts: 21 Member
    I have thunderous thighs as well, and no matter how much cycling i do or squats and lunging helps me get rid of them. I can't run sadly due to recovering from hip surgeries so no impact for me. I have no idea how to help but if you find out give me a holler too xx
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    It's called genetic predisposition. I run into this ALL the time with clients. If you're female, then look at your mom and/or sister(s). The shape they have is usually going to be the one you have. If they have big legs, you probably do too.
    Cardio is what you'll need to do lots of to of (along with strength training) so you can reduce the stubborn areas. But even then you may not still have the "look" you want.
    What I would do is "widen" my shoulders if I had really big legs. Reason is that it creates the illusion of a more hour glass physique.
  • interesting....
    never thought of widening my shoulders!
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    I have seen amazing results in my thighs this last month and the only thing that I've added differenly is Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels, the first couple of weeks she justs hammers you with squats and lunges and I can definitely tell that my thighs are more toned.
  • jandzsmom
    jandzsmom Posts: 14
    What about really shaking things up w/ HIIT? Not just cardio but high intensity interval training????