How can I be happy with small accomplishments when I have so

So I've been working out and eating right and doing really well but now I've reached my first stumbling block. I have all this energy and I'm really motivated to workout but my body can't keep up with my brain. I went jogging after work today and ran farther than I have in the last couple of years. I should be happy about that but I'm not because I couldn't run as far as I wanted to. I've lost 10 pounds so far which is great, but I'm not happy about it because I have SO MUCH MORE to lose. I don't know how to be happy about my small advances because all I can focus on is the big picture and the fact that I still have a long way to go.. Someone please help because if I keep feeling like this I'm afraid that I might lose my motivation :(.


  • Medcoder75
    Medcoder75 Posts: 17 Member
    I take it with every 10 lbs--- to me meeting each small goal keep me looking forward to the next 10 -- you can't look at it at as a whole or you will get discouraged--- or at least this works for me anyways!!!! :) Kepp it up and remember it did not come on overnight! so you cant expect it to go away overnight!
  • Break your whole goal into tiny little goals and learn to be genuinly happy when you reach them otherwise you are gonna continue to stumble because things arnt happening as fast as you want. just be patient and learn to be happy when you acheive even the stupiest goals like not dying half way up a flight of stairs or something like that .Be your own cheerleader!
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    You need to try to focus on the small things. As an ultra marathoner, if I go into a race thinking about the whole distance I need to go, it is daunting and seems like an almost impossible task. I have to break the race into smaller pieces. I have to focus on the distance to the next aid station or even break that distance into smaller pieces. I have to think more about the smaller, more achievable goals. Soon, the race and the insurmountable distance is done, not by thinking about the finish but by thinking of the smaller distances in between. Losing weight can be very much like that. Break the weight down into smaller, achievable goals! It took years to get you where you are, it will take time to lose it. But remember, as you achieve your smaller goals, the finish line is down the line and with dedication and persistance, you WILL get to the finish line, victorious!! Hang in there!! Victory is on the horizon!! :drinker:
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    Don't get bogged down on the long term thats when people start to lost motivation, but keep focusing on those improvements.

    For example I started running a full 5k with a running club around where I live and while I wish i could be faster at it I have seen myself change substantially and others have noticed it too. My time has gotten faster, but I need to still cut it down. I am now running longer if not the whole thing. Fitness comes in time- pushing through when tired is when fitness gets better. You'll soon be going further than ever, while in my head I can run a 25 minute 5k my body will only allow me to do it in 36 minutes. You're body will eventually catch up- just keep pushing it and working out and it will come in time.

    Having it come all at once you won't reap the benefits and the rewards and the experiences. You won't know the pain and sacrifices. <- that's true accomplishment.
  • mike737
    mike737 Posts: 68
    This helped me and i posted it early this week.

    Divide how long you've been here / how much you've lost. It should show your on track and the system works. Helped me to stop worrying

  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    baby steps and you WILL get there do not look at it as 100lbs(for instance) look at it as 10 x 10lbs not so bad now ehh?
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You have to make yourself break it up into small pieces. Don't even think 'I need to lose xxx pounds'. Think about how losing 10 lbs helps you. That extra energy is a great thing, a great accomplishment to complete that run. What is the next realistic goal you can set for the next 2 weeks?
  • Rubyjjones
    Rubyjjones Posts: 48
    I have been struggling with the same problem…I keep thinking “this is going to take forever” but, I have learned that patience is a must. I have started setting small goals of 20 lbs, which is helping me re-focus my energy on the small picture instead of the large picture. The smaller goal also helps me feel a little less is much easier to think I have only 20 lbs to make it to my goal instead of saying I have 70lbs to make it.

    Hope this helps, and keep up the good work!!
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    set small goals. those small goals will turn into big goals. you could do it!!
  • lunula76
    lunula76 Posts: 38
    I completely understand being frustrated by your bodies limitations and wanting to work harder and do more. I really want to be able to run or jog but I am just not strong enough yet. I have a bad back and I may never be strong enough to handle running. It is easier with the weight loss but I couldn't even run for a half mile on a road at this point.

    I decided to look for what I can do instead of what I can't. I can swim as long as time allows. And swim hard! Swim to the point that I know I am sweating even though I am in water. And there is no pain! Wonderful! I Have also been trying different sports and activities to find what works for me. Not I go trail running which hurts WAY less than running on a road and the jumping over rocks and branches and pushing tree limbs out of my way makes it a much better work out.

    Don't get stuck on the can'ts, challenge yourself to find the cans!

    Also - I hit 30 lbs today. When I was at 10, 15 lbs I was frustrated too. I just kept having to remind myself that it doesn't matter how fast it comes off or when it comes off so long as it keeps coming off. at 20 lbs I got to drop a couple of pant sizes. Once you start seeing those kind of changes (and you will!) it will get a lot easier to stay motivated.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I can relate. Early on, I had no real motivation because I was so disappointed in myself for gaining the weight and was overwhelmed by how much I had to lose. I faked it for a while. I didn't engage in a lot of social activities. I just did what I could to stay on track. Once I started seeing real results, noticeable changes, and fitting back into my clothes, I felt better. But I'm still not quite to my halfway point after a whole year. It's taking a long time. Some days, the motivation comes easy. And other days, what little energy I have is directed toward staying on track with little left over for anything else. I guess I'm just taking it day by day here.
  • HadraPriestess
    HadraPriestess Posts: 58 Member
    Sounds as if you are focusing on what you cannot do instead of what you CAN do!~
    Some of us struggle w/ finding a way to process the changes getting healthy means to our body and soul, This is the case for me anyway.
    To sabotage ourselves, like we always have, is one fight some of us may always have. Being on guard to PROTECT and love ourselves enough to do the best and highest good for ourselves is a learned behavior! And you are learning it bit by bit. Believe it!

    Not allowing yourself to see the GOOD stuff you are doing sounds like old behavior to keep you in your old it?
    If so, honestly evaluate if you are ready to process the changes you need to your thinking, in your ability to love your daily actions...if you are ready then just keep plugging on. Running/exercising to your best ability and then saying "it is good enough"...and let it be. This is a lifestyle change not a contest to see who is best!

    Be good to you. And I hope you continue to find the inspiration to treat yourself as you you are worth it...just by the fact that you are here on earth!
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I break the weight loss into small bits, first 10, then to 20... It makes it some much easier to stay motivated when you have lost 17 lbs and you only have 3 more to go to that 20, rather than I have only lost 10, I have XX amount left.

    Don't let your brain talk your body into things it's not ready for. Listen to your body and you might avoid injury. If you push to hard to fast, something is going to get hurt. You can try adding just a minute more, then stop, adding a minute at a time.

    Keep at it, every pound down is good :)
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    I struggle with getting overwhelmed by how far I have to go to reach my goals too. I have to not let myself get sucked into that downward spiral of "it's so far I can't take the next step". Just remember that every step forward is better than back.:flowerforyou: Hang in there!
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    I've deliberately not figured out what an ultimate goal would be. My super mini-goals are at the 10 pound marks - basically when I roll down into a new range - like down from 250-something into the 240s and then into the 230s. I have a slightly longer range goal that I've picked because I know that weight is a point at which I'd seriously be wearing different clothes and such. But as far as an ultimate goal - I haven't really committed to that as a number.

    Bottom line, as long as I am losing, I am happy! So much better than the reverse!

    MFP makes it so much easier. (And I love reading through the posts seeing other people's pictures and stories about their loss of a huge amount. That's very inspiring to me.)
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    You need to try to focus on the small things. As an ultra marathoner, if I go into a race thinking about the whole distance I need to go, it is daunting and seems like an almost impossible task. I have to break the race into smaller pieces. I have to focus on the distance to the next aid station or even break that distance into smaller pieces. I have to think more about the smaller, more achievable goals. Soon, the race and the insurmountable distance is done, not by thinking about the finish but by thinking of the smaller distances in between. Losing weight can be very much like that. Break the weight down into smaller, achievable goals! It took years to get you where you are, it will take time to lose it. But remember, as you achieve your smaller goals, the finish line is down the line and with dedication and persistance, you WILL get to the finish line, victorious!! Hang in there!! Victory is on the horizon!! :drinker:
    This is how I get through walks. I can't run on roads and have a hard time going for long walks, but when I do I focus on jsut getting to the next telephone pole or group of trees when I get tired. When I use my elliptical and feel like I can't go on, I focus on the next 5 minutes of the routine and once I make it through I go for another 5 and soon it is over!
    You can't JUST focus on the big picture, definitely set mini goals for yourself. You have done a terrific job so far! Like you said you ran farther than you ever have before! Stop there with the thought and be proud! Next time focus on going a few minutes, steps, feet,.... farther.
    I also accept that I will not always achieve my goals and let myself know it is ok, especially if I have done all I could. Today I am allowing myself a break from exercise since my calves are feeling very tight, even though my goal is to exercise everyday for at least 60 minutes. By giving myself a break if I do decide to do something, it is a bonus!!
    We are not machines. We didn't gain weight or get into the shape we are in over night, it isn't going to come off, revert back to healthy or become lean machines over night either! You are doing great! We are here for ya!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT! Set a small goal to achieve, maybe just make it have to do with an exercise goal and focus on achieveing that! Also, track measurements! I lost 1.5" on my lower abs in 3 weeks! It was an awesome feeling to see that! Best of luck!! Add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    This helped me and i posted it early this week.

    Divide how long you've been here / how much you've lost. It should show your on track and the system works. Helped me to stop worrying


    me too

    Also - you may want to consider joining a challenge group for a short time to help you meet a short term goal with success. These can be a huge support system!

    When you go to the grocery store take a look at how much 10 pounds of hamburger meat is. You know you don't want that back slathered under your skin.
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    Screw all this baby step crap. I believe a change in perspective is in order.... Think about the last time you were at this weight. Was it weeks, months, or even Years ago? By removing those 10 pounds you have almost rewound the clock and regained the strength, stamina, and body from that time. The only difference is you have actually improved beyond that point. Just imagine when you will have lost another 10 lbs. When was the last time you were 20 lbs lighter than you were at the start...maybe 3 years ago? What were you able to do then? Then remember how long it has taken you to lose that weight. You are erasing years of bad choices in a few weeks. Why shouldn't you feel accomplished? Each small goal is a grand victory because even though you have more to lose, you have turned back time and defeated the cravings that would have sabotaged you so many times. Just stepping away from the dinner table feeling full on less than you would have eaten before is a small victory worthy of dancing (which would burn more calories :-D). Just a little perspective shift to help you out.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I started my journey in December 2010 and I remember thinking I have so much to lose (145 lbs). What if I give up again? What if it takes forever? What if I lose my motivation? So I decided to take it a small goal at a time and not look at the big picture. I started with a weekly goal at home and when I joined MFP, I set up 10 lb increment goals. By doing this I am definitely staying motivated and achieving all my goals. Our mind responds to both positive and negative, so you have to make a choice to fill your thoughts with positive so your mind will believe and your body will follow or you can tell yourself you can't and your mind will believe and your body will do nothing.......the choice has always been yours. :flowerforyou:
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    So I've been working out and eating right and doing really well but now I've reached my first stumbling block. I have all this energy and I'm really motivated to workout but my body can't keep up with my brain. I went jogging after work today and ran farther than I have in the last couple of years. I should be happy about that but I'm not because I couldn't run as far as I wanted to. I've lost 10 pounds so far which is great, but I'm not happy about it because I have SO MUCH MORE to lose. I don't know how to be happy about my small advances because all I can focus on is the big picture and the fact that I still have a long way to go.. Someone please help because if I keep feeling like this I'm afraid that I might lose my motivation :(.

    Compare it to gaining 10 pounds! Losing 10 is soooooo much better :) When I have days where the scale does not move, I double check what sorts of things I've been eating, and if I've been hitting the gym. If all that checks out, I think to myself, "this is my body getting used to my smaller size." I stick with it, try my best to be patient, and then the scale moves again.