What are YOU most proud of this past week??



  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    Completed C25K W7D3 entirely on pavement last night - I've been running on dirt trails in the park. Learned a couple of weeks ago that most races in my area are on pavement, so if I want to reach my goal of completing a 5K race this year, I have to start training on pavement. Not even sore this morning! :happy:
  • ncoester
    ncoester Posts: 9 Member
    Recently started a desk job (blah) and so I'm sitting most of the day (double blah). But instead of taking the elevator every morning and at lunch- I take the stairs. I know it's not much, but it counts for something right??
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    Completed C25K W7D3 entirely on pavement last night - I've been running on dirt trails in the park. Learned a couple of weeks ago that most races in my area are on pavement, so if I want to reach my goal of completing a 5K race this year, I have to start training on pavement. Not even sore this morning! :happy:

    Nice job! Im actually the opposite, havent once run on a trail yet, road/treadmill for me
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    Recently started a desk job (blah) and so I'm sitting most of the day (double blah). But instead of taking the elevator every morning and at lunch- I take the stairs. I know it's not much, but it counts for something right??

    I wished I could take the stairs at work, but they dont allow us to use the fire exits :(
  • ncoester
    ncoester Posts: 9 Member
    I have been trying to get up early and go workout before I go to work and I am failing miserably. I did it once and I felt great but I haven't been able to get up out of bed since. I have been going to bed early and have all my stuff packed the night before so that it is hassle free. How did you get yourself started? Any advice or words of encouragment?
  • wndrwmn12
    wndrwmn12 Posts: 6
    Had a serious craving for Entemann's Chocolate covered doughnuts, but didn't buy them!! :happy:
  • gioisa75
    gioisa75 Posts: 242 Member
    Ran 10 miles in an 1 hour and 45 minutes!
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    I have been trying to get up early and go workout before I go to work and I am failing miserably. I did it once and I felt great but I haven't been able to get up out of bed since. I have been going to bed early and have all my stuff packed the night before so that it is hassle free. How did you get yourself started? Any advice or words of encouragment?

    There are gonna be days where you feel tired and may not want to get out there and get that workout in, but honestly, Id feel even worse about it if I made that an excuse and didnt do it. Besides, the feeling after the workout far outweighs the urge to not go out and just rest.
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    Ran 10 miles in an 1 hour and 45 minutes!

    Wow! Awesome!!
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    This week I tried on a shirt that wasn't in the plus-sized section and it actually fit! Also, I lost 4lbs and am officially below pre-pregnancy weight!!

  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    Had a serious craving for Entemann's Chocolate covered doughnuts, but didn't buy them!! :happy:

    Oooh, thats tough!!! Congrats!
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    1) I did my box climbs with my trainer using a much higher box than ever. I commented that it was easier, and she laughed and said it's because I'm used to them now.

    2) I gained a pound, and I'm not worried about it. For those who know me this is a HUGE victory

    3) I've motivated people around me to start doing something about their weight issues.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What a great thread, and how well everyone is doing!

    I found a lovely silk top in a UK size 8 (that's a 4, you USians....)

    But I was really proud of myself when it came to dinner last night. I'd had my parents staying, and consequently it was rather a carb filled day - toast for breakfast, baked potato for lunch. My OH requested fish finger sandwiches for dinner, and I came up with a creative way to make something slightly different for me (fish fingers, 3 only, plus little patties made from leftover sweet potato mash and chorizo, and some baked beans that his son was having). So everyone got the dinner they wanted, and I managed to keep my carbs from going off the richter scale.
  • Gessa007
    Gessa007 Posts: 50
    I'm proud that I have been following my diet and excercising everyday and havent smoked in a week :D
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    Not letting my workload distract me from getting up and taking walks on my break times!! And becoming a walking reader ;o)
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member

    3) I've motivated people around me to start doing something about their weight issues.

    Love it!
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    I'm proud that I have been following my diet and excercising everyday and havent smoked in a week :D

    Losing weight AND quitting smoking, you are literally adding years to your life!! Congrats!!!
  • jah7700
    jah7700 Posts: 276 Member
    Stayed within plan and dropped 4lbs!!! Also, made some new MFP friends!
  • I ran/jogged for a total of 40 minutes out of my 60+ minute exercise session...totally amazing for the 40 yr old novice runner...totally proud of myself...my belly is shrinking and I am gaining muscle...woot woot
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    I'm proud of the fact that I listened to my MFP friends and have been trying some different techniques to take care of some sleep issues that resulted in really crappy workouts this week...
    (Instead of being a normal stubborn guy who just does everything on his own lol)

    Also proud of all of my MFP friends... They really work so hard and don't expect anything in return but fitness - but They deserve all the love, motivation, and support I could give (and more)... pretty sure I have the best MFP Friends list on here ;)