Consistent or yo-yoing?



  • michelleac
    It is so extremely difficult to be consistent. I have always been a yo-yo-er for the most part. It is not so easy for me to lose the weight quickly anymore, now that I am over 30 and have had a child. I also live a fast paced life as most do, so it is difficult to "find the time." I also began MFP in September and began seeing results immediately. My pants were fitting well, I was feeling good, eating good, excited about reaching it is November and I have reverted back to not making the exercise a priority and fallen back into munching on those darn m&m's that are always so conveniently stashed in our classroom at work...

    The things that have helped me, even though I am still a "work in progress" but I am slowly getting there:
    1. Set your priorities. (Do try to slow down you life & make it as simple as you can. Take it one day at a time.)
    2. If you "fall off the wagon" just get right back on. DO NOT GIVE UP EVER. it is alright to eat those bad things, but try to focus on moderation.
    3. Slowly change your diet to include a majority of the "good stuff" If you are eating mostly good stuff, the right portions...then when you eat the bad, you won't get as depressed about it. Then just keep on trying.
    4. Be an exercise opportunist. While you are waiting for a meal to cook, or the shower to get warm, or have a few minutes here & there, do 3 quick sets of 10 reps of push ups, crunches, side bends, leg lifts etc... If you have 15-20 min go for a quick brisk walk/jog. Use good posture. Drink lots of water.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    NWcountrygal, your story is inspiring and I don't think you look 55 at all. You are right that all we have is today no matter how old we are.

    Michelleac we sound a lot alike, especially recently with joining in Sept. and slacking off for awhile. I'm glad we're both back on track. :)

    Today I was sore when I woke up from doing the Making the Cut workout yesterday, but it was a good kind of I-feel-like-I'm-getting-fitter-all-over sore. I went for a three mile run with my dog and is was really refreshing to be outside. I live in New Mexico so it was cold for here, but not too cold and after only about 8 minutes I had to take off my sweatshirt and run in a tshirt. I l used to be a night owl, not a morning person, but now I love starting off the day with exercise. :) I've been getting up at 7 or 7:30 even on the weekends and working out right away. So tomorrow I'm going to try to get up at 6 so I can go to the gym and then be at work by 8. Wish me luck!!!

    My amazing boyfriend is cooking us salmon and chicken on the grill right now. It's funny because his friend was over for the Bears football game (he's a Bears fan) and my boyfriend bought some tacos... I ate two of the chicken ones in the tortilla, so they weren't that bad, but we were talking about how we are eating healthier now. I had brought over salmon and veggies for dinner. Then he suggested getting Buffalo Wild Wings chicken wings for the Redskins game (I'm a Redskins fan) later tonight, and his friend and I both started laughing and said, that so does not go with the eating healthy plan!! So now he is grilling healthy food and I am proud of him. :) He is in good shape and running with him is a good workout for me because he's fast, but he can eat stuff like tacos and *then* buffalo wings without gaining weight, whereas I just can't, so I'm glad he makes efforts to eat well for/ with me. I've been trying to drink more water today because that's a downfall of mine too. I'm going to do some yoga before I go to bed, because my muscles are still sore and I think stretching them out with help, plus I have a sleep disorder that yoga really seems to help with.

    I hope the rest of you have been being consistent today too. :) Let me know!!
  • theinfamouswho
    Hi Denise! This Susan in FL! I too have come to the conclusion to not set myself up with saying I won't fail this time. I seem to be yo-yoer too, like neeterskeeter was talking about and get very down on myself. Just this evening I told myself that tomorrow is a new day for this and then when I logged in my calories for today I found I was under by 139 of the little buggers. I was so happy about that! I really want to be consistent in a big way but know that I am human and prone to fall. But like you said, stop focusing on the negative and get on with it. So I am encouraged a whole bunch, so thank you to all of you! And neeterskeeter is right, you don't look 55. I too am among the older set, as you said, at 47 and I really want to be healthy so I can enjoy my grandbabies. With 6 kids in our family, I should end up with a whole bunch of grandbabies some day!! LOL Thanks again!
  • ranaelynn
    ranaelynn Posts: 115 Member
    Way to go everyone

    Mine was a good day, not great but good. Kept the numbers where they needed to be but didnt get any big work out in. Did manage to grab the dog and go for a 45 min walk though - in my book any movement is better than no movement right!
  • theinfamouswho
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for encouragement to go walking. I am heading out the door to walk and enjoy this 60 degree weather we are having in FL!! It is wonderful and no a/c running again either. I am so encouraged this morning and feel like smiling....the neighbors will wonder about me when I am walking and grinning at the same time, won't that be funny! Ya'll have a great day!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Hello theinfamouswho. I'm glad that there are people of all ages on this thread. I hope to keep up a healthy lifestyle for good as I get older. I don't even have kids yet so I always think, I need to get in really good shape *before* I get pregnant because it will probably be a lot harder to get into good shape afterwards!

    ranae I agree with you that any movement counts. That's why even when I'm so busy and I think I have no time to work out, I think, come on now, can't I walk back down and these stairs while I'm shopping and walk back up again (and look like a crazy person... I don't care LOL)? Can't I take an extra lap around the parking lot? Can't I fit in 50 sit-ups before I go to bed? It all adds up.

    I hope everyone had a consistent weekend!
  • theinfamouswho
    I did a good bit better today and was able to add a mile on to my walking too. It is a bit cooler here so it was nice to be out and walk and not get all sweaty. It is in the 50's right now and for November in FL that is highly unusual! But extremely nice. I am looking forward to tomorrow very much......:happy: :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Good job theinfamouswho!

    I did day 2 of the Making the Cut workout yesterday (which I was supposed to do the day before, but I had to take a day off of the workout because the first day made me so sore! So I am alternating it with running. Not nearly as sore now, after the second workout.)

    This morning I got up at 6 and ran for 3 miles with my dogs. It is absolutely *lovely* to be outside this time of year, at least in New Mexico -- the leaves were all kinds of pretty colors and they were falling and it was that brisk kind of cool that's not cold but not hot. It was a nice way to start off my day and I hope to keep it up. I don't think I'll have anymore time to work out today because I have a lunch meeting and a writer's group meeting after work. But I'm going to try to do some yoga this evening at home.

    Today is day 3 of no caffeine for me -- I had a pounding headache yesterday but as soon as I worked out after work, it went away!! And now it is very barely there. :smile:

    I have also been sticking to my calorie goals from MFP. Last night my boyfriend and I were going to get grilled chicken snack wraps from McDonalds but I thought it would be healthier to make our own, so I grilled chicken and put it with some salsa and green chili and a little cheese for me (lots for him ha ha). I only had half a whole wheat tortilla so that I could eat 10 tortilla chips and dip-- my downfall-- but I stuck to my calorie limit and actually was a little under. During the day I ate every three hours, healthy things like tuna and crackers, salmon and veggies (leftover from dinner the night before) and carrots and fat free ranch dressing.

    The scale has actually gone up for me-- I guess I'm gaining muscle-- but I am feeling really great and I am not discouraged. For me right now it feels good to be *healthy* and I'm hoping the weight loss will follow.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    Another fit yo-yoer here. Unfortunately, all the exercise isn't enough to counteract the yo-yoing! Every time I find a comfortable weight, I take it as permission to start eating whatever I want again. It's very discouraging to have to keep starting over again. I'm realizing that it's all or nothing for me. Either eat healthy, or give up, because I can't do anything in between. I eat junk and I can't stop. The best thing is not to start! I'm doing well the past few days and hope to stick with it through the holidays. Two years ago was the only time in my life that I didn't gain over the holidays. Last year, I gained. This year I hope to do well again!
  • theinfamouswho
    Oh boy I am right there too! I get into the "Oh what difference does it make" attitude, then I feel crummy for having those cookies or whatever, then I start over again and on and on and But the walking really helps to encourage me and hearing from people on here is great help, a really, really big encouragement! I am really surprised at how much of a help it is.
    Today has been okay so far. I was able to get a mile in this morning and will go again in a bit. I usually don't have time to go for longer walks so just get in short ones when I can. There weather is really exceptional also, NeeterSkeeter! We are enjoying it so very much. It is so odd for FL to be this cold this time of year. We don't usually see any significant coolness until January. Unfortunately our leaves for the most part go from green to brown with no variance in the middle and Palms don't do anything but blow in the winds. lol
    I hope you are all having a great day!
    Hey there NWcountrygal!!
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    I tried starting another post, to no avail, so I guess I'll just post here, and try not to reread or skip any pertinent posts :bigsmile:

    Doing well here, I've got the same "all or nothing" attitude, but am trying to once and for all be done with it. I'm on week 3 of exercising almost every day, and that includes running, strength and yoga. I've been super good with the food. I had a brunch after my long run on Sunday, and tried bits of all the yummies, but stopped, and then didn't let it ruin my day as in past cases, you know, "I've already eaten stuff I'm not supposed to, I might as well eat anything and everything I want for the rest of the day!" So I'm very happy to have made it through that successfully! I did my MTC workout yesterday, and today, and just got back from a 5 mile run.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I'm sorry Angie, I didn't notice your new post. I am new to these threads and I am slow LOL. I don't notice these things until they're pointed out to me!

    Hi cherapple.

    Glad to know everyone seems like they're doing pretty well with staying consistent! Go us!!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I've been consistent for *one week*. And I'm going to keep going! Who else is still with me? :smile:

    I turned down free wine at a work dinner on Wednesday night because I am cutting out (well, not completely, but pretty much always) alcohol. I didn't have coffee at my deposition today-- which for me used to be as part of working as my pad and pen, LOL-- because I have completely cut out caffeine. As a result I've really upped my water intake. I *never* used to drink enough water and now it's all I drink. I feel really energetic and alert, I get up earlier and feel all around heatlhy and happy. AND I lost 1.7lb the first week... which is more than MFP said I would lose, but I've been working out more than I initially put in, I guess. I don't really know how to explain that but the cool thing is I'm not as focused on the number (even though it makes me happy. :smile:) I am more proud of myself for all the steps I've taken, following my daily calorie goal, fitting in workouts even when I'm so busy with work, not giving in to temptation, etc. And I just love feeling healthy even more than I love the weight loss.

    Today is the start of my second week back on the wagon. But I plan to stay here for good along with the rest of you. How are you all doing?
  • NewMK08
    NewMK08 Posts: 399 Member
    I've got to bump this for later...This is my life story, I swear! I am definitely a yo-yo-er...And I would love to join your "no yoyo" group! LoL!!! I'll be visiting this again!

    Oh, and good job on your 1 week! That's a lot!!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Welcome NewMK!
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Okay, I took a "free" day today, :noway: no such thing you say? Alright, I made it up, it was a post-book/wine club day, it only happens once a month :wink: I went to book club last night and had the best mulled wine, and carrot cake (my Russian friend makes it, it's phenomenal), and all the other little goodies you get at those get togethers. Of course I woke up feeling soooo guilty, posted it elsewhere, but now I'm here fessing up! I had an eat what I want, go to the grand opening of Kowalski's super-sample day!!! Then I came home and ate oatmeal-ginger cookies :sad: , and the pasta I bought from the awesome (never to frequent again) pasta bar at the new store :embarassed: , and the rest of my sons big box of Jr. Mints :cry: .

    But then, I sat down and reread my Eat Clean book for solace.

    It was all good 24 hours ago. I was in week 3 of consistently good eating and exercise habits (I worked out 10 1/2 hours last week!) So, tomorrow I'm back, no waiting until Monday like the old me, even though I did take a day :ohwell:

    Tomorrow is a new day, and I intend to make the most of it!

    Hope everyone is staying strong(er than I was today)!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Angie, just look at it as a bump in the road and keep going. That's the important thing -- to not give up and to keep going. :smile:
  • theinfamouswho
    I did so so last week. I had a few days where I was under the weather and unable to do any walking. And I can't even imagine working out for 10 1/2 hours in one week! But I started this morning with some exercise even before breakfast and it went well.. Now lunch is over and I am looking forward to a walk, it is so pretty outside and so inviting.I really need to do extra laps since today is my 2nd sons 20th birthday and we are having ice cream and cookie cake this evening! I hope you all have a great day!
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    Hello All!

    I have been doing great! I have worked out for the past 2 weeks every other day, and I have been staying in my calorie range depending on how much I work out. I gained a pound since last week, but I lost inches!! It must be muscle right??!! I am really trying hard to get all the water in each day, but sometimes I do fall short of that. Maybe that will be my mini goal for this week--make sure I get 8 glasses of water each day!!!

    Keep up the good work Yo-Yoer's!!! I look forward to reading how everyone is doing next week!!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Good job guys. mamaof2girls, your 2 girls are so cute!!

    I have been doing well, doing the Making the Cut workouts with a friend of mine at the gym, and doing more running, starting to train for a half marathon.

    Is everyone else staying consistent?