Kiss my *kitten* goodbye (Closed Group)



  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Since I usually am lazy, and don't feel like cooking for lunch, I tend to try and find recipes that require very little prep/cook time. This is one that my mom and grandma have done for quite a while, and I never realized just how healthy it was until I started tracking my food. How much you want of each ingredient can vary depending on your tastes, but this is what I use.

    1 serving Italian Tuna:

    1 large can (8 oz, drained) Tuna (I use Bumbe Bee Solid White Albacore in water) - [240 kcal/4g fat/0g carbs/54g protein]
    1 large Green Bell Pepper - [33 kcal/0g fat/8g carbs/1g protein]
    1 large Tomato - [33 kcal/0g fat/7g carbs/2g protein]
    1 small Onion (I use Vidalia Onions) - [29 kcal/0g fat/7g carbs/1g protein]
    1-2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil - [120 kcal/14g fat/0g carbs/0g protein per Tbsp]
    ~1/8 tsp Salt
    1-2 dashes black pepper
    a few dashes of Italian Seasoning
    some extra Oregano if you like

    Total with 1 Tbsp of Olive Oil - [454 kcal/18g fat/22g carbs/56g protein]
    Total with 2 Tbsp of Olive Oil - [573 kcal/32g fat/22g carbs/56g protein]

    1. Cut up vegetables.
    2. Combine with drained tuna in a bowl.
    3. Add olive oil and spices.
    4. Mix and nomz.

    Sidenote: For those with fewer calories, this does make a lot of food and you can always divide it into two portions.
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    Veggie Pizza or Tortilla (Depends on how you want to serve it.)

    1 small whole wheat tortilla shell
    1 Tbsp light ranch dressing
    1 Tbsp light mayonnaise
    1 clove of garlic (minced)
    5 baby carrots (thinly sliced)
    5 cherry tomatoes (halved or quartered)
    1/3 cup raw cauliflower (chopped)
    1/3 cup raw broccoli (chopped)
    1/3 cup raw red pepper (chopped)
    2 Tbsp raw red onion (diced)
    1.25 inch marble cheese (grated) -One serving

    1. Mix ranch, mayo and garlic together then spread over tortilla shell as the sauce.
    2. Spread a bit of cheese over so the veggies have something to stick to then spread the veggies out followed by the rest of the cheese.
    3. Toast or bake in the oven until cheese is melted and veggies reach desired tenderness.

    *If you fold the two edges over and pierce with a tooth-pick to hold, it makes a great wrap too. Made as is, with regular cheese each serving has 386 calories (according to MFP). There is a lot of food here and with one and a half (plus) cups of veggies it's very filling. Any veggies will work, these are just the ones I like.
  • myurk
    myurk Posts: 108
    Pina Colada Quinoa

    This recipe is gluten free and is great warmed up as a breakfast cereal (similar to oatmeal, but quinoa is a great source of protein!)

    1 cup dry quinoa
    1 14 oz. can of light coconut milk
    1 14 oz. can of crushed pineapple
    3 tsp. brown sugar
    1 tsp. vanilla extract

    Bring quinoa and coconut milk to a boil. Cover and let simmer at low for 10 minutes. Turn off heat and leave covered saucepan on the burner for an additional 10 minutes. Stir in the remainder of the ingredients.

    Makes ~4 - 1 cup servings

    Nutritional Information:

    325 calories per serving: Carbs (55) Sugar (24) Protein (7) Sodium (8) Iron (15)