Taking back my body

kdoze Posts: 6 Member
I'm a LT in the Navy and our physical readiness test (PRT) is coming up. I'm a little scared bec ause since the last PRT, I've gained weight, and I was already borderline.

Before joining the Navy, I weighed over 300 pounds, and I busted my butt to get myself down to 165. And I was so proud of myself!

But then I got married and started cooking for my husband, and I gained 20 pounds. Now, I'm certainly not blaming him - this is my doing. But now that the PRT is coming up, I've got to get a handle on my body. I've got to lose the weight, not just for my job, but because I hate being this size. It makes me feel like I've lost all the ground I won before. Like I'm heading straight back to 300+ pounds.

So yeah. Here I am, at the suggestion of the dietitian the Navy has sent me to, and I'm going to work hard and get back to 165. And I welcome anyone's help and/or advice.



  • JasonsWeightliftingWife
    You will do it! I think it's great that the PRT is coming up:). It keeps you in check. But wow, what an amazing weightloss, good for you!

    And thank you for serving~
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I am a retire Marine and even though we worked out all the time, I still struggled with my weight. ONce I retired I said to heck with it and just kept gaining. I wish there was a site like this back then. It would have been easier for me. But it all boils down to just being ready to do it. You are here and it sounds like you are ready. There is a lot of support here. Good Luck and thank you for serving.
  • heatheramara
    Welcome! Hope you find it as helpful as I have. I am new here, but I LOVE it already.
    I can totally relate to wanting to "Take back" your body.

    Add me as a friend, if you want. We can push each other up the hard road ahead. :)

  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    Tae Bo, its cardio and resistance combined., it's fun and you will see results. I'm a 100% supporter of Tae Bo because it works for me. No kidding. In less than 1 hr a day and you'll get your workout in.