What am I doing wrong ? :-(

I started my weight lost journey july 4, 2011 and it was going good until last week. The first week i lost 4 lbs and the second week i lost 3.4 lbs and was so happy that was losing the weight so fast, but last week when i weigh in i only lost 0.6 lbs :frown: and today i weigh in i GAIN 1 lb :cry: :mad:

I have been doing Turbo Fire 5 - 6 days each week and eating right staying under my daily calorie in take MFP has me on a 1200 cals a day, i havent been eating any junk food so i dont know why i gain a pound :ohwell:

I'm feeling down and when i feel down i dont feel like eating at all :frown: am just feeling frustrated and thinking im going to be over weight and unhappy 4ever.

i need motivation and can you tell me what i am doing wrong, what i should change, and what kind of foods i should eat to speed up my metabolism ?


  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    The problem is you aren't eating enough. Try eating more of exercise calories you're earning. You seem to have a lot left over.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Check out my blog I hit the same thing.

    What worked for me was upping my calories. Yes I know that sounds counte rproductive but I upped them by 300 a day and I started losing again.

    Make sure you are mixin up your exercise regimens...
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    After looking at your food diary, you are most certainly not eating enough.
  • Emily4H
    Emily4H Posts: 170
    look big picuture - your down close to 8 pounds in 3 weeks, your body is bound to have a bit of a rebound. Make sure you are eating enough! You got this - it will work out next week for sure. :flowerforyou:
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    Looking at a few weeks of your diary...You are not eatting enough to fuel your body. You need to be getting at least 1200 per day. Your workouts look like high calorie burn and you need to be trying to refuel your body to get it to do what it needs to do.

    Eat back some of those exercise calories and eat more. I know for me I found it hard to eat back my exercise calories but when I finally listened to what everyone was telling me....I started to lose weight.....try to have bigger meals on the days you are going to work out. And get some more in after your work out.....

    Really with workouts like this you should be aiming for 1400-1600 per day!

    You asked for advise...I think you are going to see this comment alot!
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    The problem is you aren't eating enough. Try eating more of exercise calories you're earning. You seem to have a lot left over.

    Yes. This.

    I looked at your diary as well. You need to hit the total target calories MFP has for you (inclusive of exercise calories, which are already added in to the total), or at least try to come within 100 calories of the target.

    Good Luck!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I agree, you definitely need to eat more.
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    Definitely eat more. You need to net at least 1200 calories a day and it doesn't even look like you are eating 1200 per day. Say for example I want to net 1200 cals and I burn 400 cals. That means I would be eating 1600 cals. It sounds funny to eat more but it does work. If you do not eat enough you won't lose weight.
  • I heard if you don't eat enough calories your body goes into starvation mode and starts storing them instead of burning them so make sure you eat at least 1200 and its okay to go over a little
  • You could try zig zagging that sometimes helps or if you are nearing your menstrual cycle that can make you randomly gain weight also.
  • smdl5674
    smdl5674 Posts: 1
    I gain about 3-5 lbs the five days preceeding my menstral cycle. We retain water before and during, so don't wiegh yourself during this time. Focus on inches not lbs. Also, you just started - give it time. I started about a month before you and have lost only a couple fo lbs more than you have already.
  • akgrl1020
    akgrl1020 Posts: 179
    Try not to dip under 1200 calories a day, and every now and then mix it up, with higher calorie days (1400-1500) with the amount of exercise that you are doing. Also, I have found that if my muscles are sore, I tend to weigh in a bit higher. And keep drinking the water :smile:
  • Turbo Fire is a high calorie burner, so higher calories is a must. If you want to feel healthy, make most of your calories protein. That'll give oyu energy throughout the day. Carbs a good to intake before a good orkout, since you'll be able to process them into sugars and maintain high energy. You may find it a lot easier to complete workouts with the extra food...
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    It could be a thousand things.

    What it comes down to is that 1 week does NOT make a pattern. You could be PMSing...you could have been wearing a red shirt instead of a blue shirt etc etc etc.

    What do your measurements say? For myself, I will go two weeks losing, two weeks fluctuating, 1 week gaining and then back to losing. But my measurements are consistently going down. Every body reacts differently.

    Try not to weigh yourself obsessively, that will only serve to depress and maybe backslide. But it takes some getting used to, and noticing your body patterns.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    Your not doing anything wrong. I used to worry about the scale but now I dont care. If I gain - I gain. Over time, I am losing... I have not been in the 230's in a month now! I am almost 219 now :-D Dont worry about your weight, judge how your pants fit! You might want to increase the intensity and length of your exercises.
  • FKat
    FKat Posts: 9 Member
    1 pound is Nothing Honey .. It might be just water or salt .. Go for a run , trust me next day you weight in pound will be gone. However i was stuck 111 for 3 months , and i lost another pound few days ago.Sometimes body wont let u lose any weight takes time. Anyway try to change something in your diet eat more protein food less sodium. If you workout at night , find a little time and work out in the morning .
  • mzjandiace
    mzjandiace Posts: 162
    Eat! Don't be afraid to eat back your calories. Your body needs this or it's going to think it's in starvation mode. I had to up my calories a few weeks ago just to get over a hump, now I zig zag and trick my body and I'm losing at a steady pace. Thats what you want nice and steady so it will stay off. And the gain, it's all part of being a woman, we fluctuate 1-2 lbs every few days, so don't worry to much about that. Good Luck!
  • MMFP68
    MMFP68 Posts: 39 Member
    With all the exercise you're doing, I'd say you do need to up your calories. Keep your body fueled so your metabolism will run at peak performance. When you exercise hard and don't eat enough, your muscles are working overtime and your electrolytes aren't balanced, which can lead to persistent water retention. Go ahead and fuel that active body a little more and you should see some improvement. Congratulations on your loss so far!