Turning the big 30 And losing the big legs!

Hello Everyone,

Like a few people, I have been struggling with my weights for a long time! In my early 20’s I had lost close to 40 pounds, just by watching my food and going to the gym 4x a week. At the time, my Ex-BF was a gym’s crazy guy and it helped me a lot. I always like sports So, It did not took much for my to keep the routine. Actually, the hardest part has been motivation and discipline!!

Here we are a few years later… And I am about to turn 30 early December and I want to look at my best In & out. I want to be and FEEL fabulous!!! Right now I weight about 175 pounds and I’m 5”7. I have this beautiful pear shape, so all my weight is in my legs. Butt/hips/thighs and could have slimmer calf! Basically I have a Jello-*kitten*! (and not a J-Lo!)
Don’t get mw wrong here, I want to keep my curves, I just want to loose about 25 pounds in my lower buddy and shape them up!

Any tips, moves, suggestions would be appreciated! I have 4 months to reach my goal and I don’t want to let myself down this time!


  • Margie2210
    Margie2210 Posts: 20 Member
    I am interested in lower body tips too. I am almost exactly in your boat as far as stats go. I am 30 yrs, 5'7", 175 lbs, and want to lose 25 lbs. Feel free to add me for motivation if you want!