walk at home dvd

I am new to this site. I use the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVDs. Each of her miles are about 15 minutes. There is the walking in place, forward and backwards, side to side and knee lifts; she also involves the arms. So my question is how to i count it as activity? Do i choose walking or low impact aerobics? If walking do i choose 3.5 mph brisk pace? Thanks for your help.


  • joyw37
    joyw37 Posts: 38
    i count it as low impact aerobics because i can tell i'm getting a better workout than just walking alone
  • calebespnsmommie
    calebespnsmommie Posts: 111 Member
    I use her workout DVDs also. I love them!!! She is great!! I put mine in under high impact aerobics- I read a blog a couple weeks ago on here where another girl had a HRM and it was pretty close when she entered hers in under high impact aerobics. Now when I do them when she is walking I run in place and pump my arms even harder! Good luck on your weight loss, if you need a person for encouragement I am here! - Heather
  • khoolette
    khoolette Posts: 73
    I use the same video and count it as low impact aerobics because of the variety of arm and leg movements.
  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    Yes, as the girl said above... tested it out and my HRM calories are the same as the high impact choice. I do her videos 3 times a day.... they are great!!!!

    If you really dig down deep on the few steps, and add a bounce to the kicks and so on... at least for me, my HRM is the same as MFP's high impact level :)