Questions about sugar

Ok Obviously i know sugar is not great for you but can anyone explain to me a little better just why what is a suggested amount of sugar daily, does sugar turn into fat? how many grams are a gram of fat? I dont even know if im making sense but thats why Im asking I would really like to learn some more about this forbidden white substance! thanks for the help in advance guys


  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    We were both thinking this at the same time! I am constantly in the red when it comes to my suggested daily allowance for sugar. Of course I also eat candy and cereal. I feel sugar may be my enemy in this battle to get sexy.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    Would love to know myself. I am always over and do not worry about my natural sugars. Would be nice to know what those other sugars do to weight though.
  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    If the sugars come from fruits, it's nothing to worry about.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    The bad part about sugar: it has absolutely no nutritional value, When you eat a sugary treat like skittles you get absolutely nothing out of it besides calories. This is why we dont want to eat so much sugar. Not becuase it instantly turns to fat, but because it has no nutrients :] Even sugar in fruit has no nutritional value. But the fruit is full of vitamins and such making it a delicious and healthy treat :]

    So you wont instantly gain fat because you have sugar. Its just not the best choice :]
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    Sugar also spikes your insulin levels. If its high in sugar its most likely high in carbs. BAD combo.
  • ktbug82
    ktbug82 Posts: 166
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Sugar also spikes your insulin levels. If its high in sugar its most likely high in carbs. BAD combo.

    carbs are not bad for you. the only bad part about spiking insulin is more cravings. It is still calories in vs calories out that is most important.

    If you do decide to indulge in some sort of sugary treat and are truely that worried then try to consume it sometime around your cardio workouts, Will help restore glycogen stores.
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    the problem with sugar is what happens when its dumped into your bloodstream on a regular basis without a protein to bind with it. its usually converted and stored in fat cells when its consumed like that.
  • tbelivea
    tbelivea Posts: 94 Member
    If the sugars come from fruits, it's nothing to worry about.

    See, that's what I was always told too but lately I've been hearing that ALL sugar is the same to the body and bad for you. I, for one, refuse to throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater and give up fruit entirely because it has so much good stuff too. That being said, I've cut back on certain tropical fruits high in sugar and limited my intake to 2 - 4 servings per day. Even by doing that along with really restricting the amount of refined sugar I'm ingesting, I still go over my daily limit also :P
  • QueenHanifa
    QueenHanifa Posts: 180 Member
    Refine sugar(white sugar) is just sugar .It has no protein or fiber so it don't balance in your body.When you eat fruit it has fiber also so it blast working with the fiber and actually balances in the body.for this to happen it has to be natural from fruit and not fruit juice which is refined
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    Sugar also spikes your insulin levels. If its high in sugar its most likely high in carbs. BAD combo.

    carbs are not bad for you. the only bad part about spiking insulin is more cravings. It is still calories in vs calories out that is most important.

    If you do decide to indulge in some sort of sugary treat and are truely that worried then try to consume it sometime around your cardio workouts, Will help restore glycogen stores.

    Carbs are contributed to weight gain more than fat is. Not all carbs are bad, but i'd prefer the carbs from an apple over the carbs from a doughnut.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Sugar also spikes your insulin levels. If its high in sugar its most likely high in carbs. BAD combo.

    carbs are not bad for you. the only bad part about spiking insulin is more cravings. It is still calories in vs calories out that is most important.

    If you do decide to indulge in some sort of sugary treat and are truely that worried then try to consume it sometime around your cardio workouts, Will help restore glycogen stores.

    Carbs are contributed to weight gain more than fat is. Not all carbs are bad, but i'd prefer the carbs from an apple over the carbs from a doughnut.

    uh no. Fat is contributed more to weight gain because of the high calorie content. Because we are consuming more calories then our body needs it is stored as fat.

    Im the same way. which is why i said that is why we eat fruits. amazing for nutrients! I dont eat doughnuts instead :p haha xD
  • CrimsonScotty
    CrimsonScotty Posts: 47 Member
    Sugar also spikes your insulin levels. If its high in sugar its most likely high in carbs. BAD combo.

    carbs are not bad for you. the only bad part about spiking insulin is more cravings. It is still calories in vs calories out that is most important.

    If you do decide to indulge in some sort of sugary treat and are truely that worried then try to consume it sometime around your cardio workouts, Will help restore glycogen stores.

    Carbs are contributed to weight gain more than fat is. Not all carbs are bad, but i'd prefer the carbs from an apple over the carbs from a doughnut.

    uh no. Fat is contributed more to weight gain because of the high calorie content. Because we are consuming more calories then our body needs it is stored as fat.

    Im the same way. which is why i said that is why we eat fruits. amazing for nutrients! I dont eat doughnuts instead :p haha xD

    That seems to be a big mis-conception, there's a lot more to it than simple "calories in/calories out". If someone eats 2000 cals/day with 1500 of them from carbs on a regular basis, most of them WILL end up being stored as extra fat. There has to be balance, you can't just eat 2000 calories of whatever you want and it be ok, just because you stayed within the recommended caloric intake. Excess processed carbohydrates are most definitely bad for you, and have been linked to more health problems than fat or cholesterol, and will result in weight gain if not regulated.

    Fat is contributed to weight gain because people who eat high fat, usually eat high carb too, the body can't process all of it in a day. If you cut out the carbs, the body will start to burn the fat as energy instead of looking for the quick fix from the excessive amounts of sugary foods most people eat. Which in turn will result in a more steady metabolic rate throughout the day, and more steady insulin levels, removing the stress from the pancreas and other internal organs from the spikes that the sugars/carbs create.
  • Mills187
    Mills187 Posts: 171
    This is alot of info to digest thanks alot everyone for the replys!
  • lindsay6694
    lindsay6694 Posts: 182
    sugar spikes your blood sugar levels and in turn can cause you to store fat. you want to make your blood sugar levels as stable as possible. eat a protein with higher glycemic slows down the rate in which the food is converted to blood sugar